A Conversation for The Ozone Layer (homepage)


Post 1


cfcs -chloro floro carbons -chlorine fluorine carbon

there are a few things that people have a problem with they dont think through things for example cfcs are heavier than the other components of the atmosphere so if one would say spray a can of hair spray the contents would go (and this is quite obvious just looking at it) down not into the atmosphere to destroy o-zone
another example is the location of the hole in the o-zone layer (which is in the vicinity of australia and that the idea that america (the largest producer of unnatural cfcs) would create a problem in the o-zone several thousands of miles away instead of directly above america
now in addition to the refusal to think through things there is ignorane for example the oceans of the world evaporate into the atmosphere each year 600 times more cfcs than america

but dont take my word for it read a book-environmental overkill by dixie lee ray

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