This is the Message Centre for dd

Don't panic, you've been aced...

Post 1

Floh Fortuneswell


My name is Floh and I am your ACE (Assistant Community Editor) here at h2g2.

ACEs are here to meet, greet, and assist new researchers, so if you have any questions:
please don't hesitate to ask by hitting the Reply-button at the end of this message,
or you can leave a message on my space just by clicking on my name at the top
of this message.

Some links you may find useful: The h2g2-Tour Dastardly's entry about the Jargon The Post

To create Smileys like smiley - bubblysmiley - magicsmiley - smooch you can follow the link: or simply click on them to get to their code-page.

I have even more links to conversations on my own space.

That should keep you busy for a while smiley - smiley I am sure that you will love this community.
There's lots of things to see, conversations to join and people to meet - please don't be shy - just jump right in - this is a friendly place.
But be careful - it can become quite addictive smiley - tongueout


Don't panic, you've been aced...

Post 2


OK -- I have found out what S.P.U.D stands for.
Zaphodistra I can guess
... but re-caffiennated Peter Pan?
Are you male or female -- as I said I am curious.smiley - smiley
What are your real interests -- one I missed was the English Language.

Don't panic, you've been aced...

Post 3

Floh Fortuneswell

smiley - ermI'm not sure what caffiennated means... smiley - silly
You could just go to my own Space and try to find out more... smiley - smiley

Don't panic, you've been aced...

Post 4


I said I was interested in English -- not that I could spell. WORD usually takes care of that.
OK -- I have been in your space and at the moment as I get used to this little haven -- can only assume you are mad. smiley - smiley
I have been told alabaster is not a nice skin, I am writing in plain text. Should I change to a new skin and use the HTML type text input?

Don't panic, you've been aced...

Post 5

Floh Fortuneswell

Mad? Me? smiley - sillysmiley - sillysmiley - silly
Who's talking?
Alabaster?smiley - yikes I use the classic skin. The blue helps me to calm down after drinking too much smiley - coffeesmiley - biggrin.
For more information about GuideML, you can visit A187229 or A155701 or related links.

CU Floh smiley - smiley

Ace Place

Post 6


I'm starting to get the hang of this place now.
I was a little concerned that it was unmoderated but I see that isn't so.
Has anyone been thrown out for violent behaviour?
Btw -- I have been trying to suss out the id Floh.
All I have come up with so far is a collection of photos by Tacita Dean.

Confusion may set in.

Post 7

Demon Drawer

Hi there dd, as you can see I'm a fellow DD around here. Which is why I decided to swing on by your spaceto see if you had already been ACEd and I see Floh has done an excellent job.

With all your wealth of knowledge on a great range of subjects I look forwardto seeing what little gems of wisdom you will eventually notice are missing from the guidewhich you could fill the gap with a thorughly researched article. I'll be keeping an eye out for dd trying to outdo DD on the article front. smiley - winkeye

smiley - devil

Confusion may set in.

Post 8


I am still learning -- do not expect too much.
I am away for the next 4 days so you will have to get on without my sparkling wit and wisdom.
So, to keep you busy -- what nationality am I -- the clues are in my intro but don't let that color your analysis.
Must dash

Confusion may set in.

Post 9

Demon Drawer

I'd say you live North of Hadrians Wall the same as myself. Or else you are an exiled Scot with a perchant for Scotch. smiley - winkeye

Make mine a smiley - stout though

Confusion may set in.

Post 10


Wrong. Seek your next clue from Wagner's Ring -- Wotan's other identity.

Just testing something

Post 11


What happens smiley - bluefish

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