This is the Message Centre for Saturnine

Purchases today

Post 1


Why do I always come back feeling somewhat shortchanged by the exhausting shopping trip?

Bought :

Zwan album - the limited edition one with the DVD. I don't have a DVD player, but heck. I will one day. (IT ALSO HAS FREE STICKERS WITH IT!! So Zwan are officially the best and nicest band in the world. Free stickers just clinched the title smiley - smiley)

Deodrant/Body spray. Once more I can smell like a lady.

Candles (they were reduced)
Manilla and clear folder things.

and hair lightener/"scalp soother" (smiley - laugh) I do mean to go blonde. I just haven't got up the courage yet. So at least I have the stuff now. Into the cupboard it goes... smiley - ok

Oh. And some Refreshers. Because they were 25p.

Still got some cash left, so when I find some more energy, I'll go and get the rest of the things I need to get. Something to do on Saturday. Oh, and my purse broke. It was gorgeous - a deep brown crocheted zipper purse. The zip went. I'll not be able to find another like it smiley - wah

So I'm sat here looking at the Zwan album, rubbing my hands with glee and wondering when I'll dye my hair. And I ache. I walked all the way into town, all the way around town, and then collapsed at the bus stop.

OH *and* I saw a collection of Coop artwork for £35 that I know won't stick around in Forbidden Planet long. Boo. I want it. And the Ghost in the Shell poster. One day, one day...smiley - smiley

Purchases today

Post 2

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Ah, shopping! Therapy for one and allsmiley - smiley

Sounds like you got some bar-goons there?smiley - laugh

Purchases today

Post 3


I am sooooooo smiley - biggrin with the stickers. I smiley - love stickers...smiley - laugh

Just wondering when to do my hair now. Hoping it doesn't go yucky and brassy...or burn...smiley - smiley

Purchases today

Post 4

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Like I have said before, I think you would suit the bleached-almost-white-with-dark-roots look. Very Darryl Hannah in Bladerunner.smiley - laugh

Purchases today

Post 5


Says you, who has never cast eyes upon me! smiley - smileysmiley - laugh The miracles of technology and the imagination! I guess. It's just something to do. Means I can dye it purple smiley - tongueout Which isn't very responsible. smiley - erm

Purchases today

Post 6

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Purple all over or just in spots? I trust you have matching socks!smiley - laugh

Purchases today

Post 7


Alas, they wore away at the toes. smiley - blue I miss my purplestripeysocks.

Purchases today

Post 8

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Sounds very Pippi Longstockings.smiley - laugh

My favourite are my bright blue poly ones, but I am wearing ones with black heel and toe, grey sole, and the rest white.smiley - smiley

Purchases today

Post 9


Heehee. Bigfeet.

I am wearing my original white/black stripey socks (circa 1999) that have holes in the side, but oddly enough, not in the feet. They have seen clubs and pubs and school and things. smiley - smiley

I *really* like knee socks. I can't find the ones I want though - plain black. Can get stripey everywhere now, but not plain black. *sigh*

Purchases today

Post 10

clzoomer- a bit woobly

btw, I have no articles of clothing that are older than you.smiley - laugh

Well, my father's rings.smiley - erm

Purchases today

Post 11


I find guys wearing rings a little smiley - weird myself. Except wedding bands, but then, that's wedding stuff for you. Romance...

Purchases today

Post 12

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Don't wear them, just have them. I have odd skin for most metals, my watchstrap in velcro. I don't wear *any* kind of jewellry.
smiley - smiley

Purchases today

Post 13


"odd skin"??

Are you a smiley - fish?

smiley - laugh

I like to wear necklaces and rings and bracelets. I have chubby fingers though, so it's a pain finding rings that fit. And I like silver, not gold. Gold is tacky smiley - yuk I realised earlier that I have quite a lot more necklaces than I thought and not enough bracelets. Must be rectified in the future...smiley - erm

Purchases today

Post 14

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Due to the alien's influence my skin is slightly acidic.smiley - laugh

It always produces something that irritates my skin, no matter what metal. That and the fact that I have the tiniest bit of web on my fingers (oh, here it comes!) that gets irritated by rings. I had a favourite watch that had a metal band and I managed to eat through the lettering on the back of it over 5 years. Just a freak I guess.

Purchases today

Post 15


*hears some bluegrass in the distance*

Were your ma' and your pa' interlinked by that ol' DNA stuff? Were you born with a tail and two heads?

smiley - laugh

Should I be worried about my own delicate skin coming into contact with your freakishly erosion-causing liquids?


Purchases today

Post 16

clzoomer- a bit woobly

True, just like the watch (which I wore when I was working) if you were in constant contact with my sweaty skin sixteen hours a day, you might develop some problems....smiley - laugh....then again you might have problems of your own!smiley - biggrin

Purchases today

Post 17


*thinks about that for a while*

Purchases today

Post 18

clzoomer- a bit woobly

....if you were in constant contact with my sweaty skin for 16 hours.....OK?

Am I really this dense or do I just write in another language now and then?smiley - laugh

Purchases today

Post 19


Just perving. smiley - drool

*kicks crappy email*

Purchases today

Post 20

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Oh, ya wee little perv. Just my cup of smiley - tea

smiley - biggrin

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