This is the Message Centre for Prunesquallor

Welcome to H2G2

Post 1

lw - ck

Hello and welcome to H2G2 (sorry you havnt been officialy welcomed up until now). My name is Psycho monkey dragged through a vortex backwards, but like every one else you can just call me CK (its easier to type!).smiley - biggrin
Im your ACE (assisstant community editor) and its my job to officially introduce you to H2G2 and answer any of your questions. To send me a "post" back look at the bottom of this message and click the reply button. The button on the right hand side is the "yikes button" smiley - yikes this, if clicked, sends a message to the moderation team. You should only press this button if the posting breaches the house rules which can be found at:

I've prepared some links for you to get you started on H2G2, just click them to take you to that page. First of all a message to Newcomers from the people who run this place: ,it tells you most things you need to know about H2G2 and what its all about.

Second link is the GuideMl clinc, a place which teaches researchers how to use GuideML, H2G2's own own markup laguage which is similar and based on HTML but you'll learn more about that heresmiley - geek:

For information on smileys vist: this is the section of H2G2 which explains about smileys and how to make them appear. Once you know how, its hard to stop the little guys/girls appearing all over the place in your messages smiley - winkeye

Heres a link to "THE" link page which tells you all about the different groups here on h2g2, you may want to join a few:

Lastly heres a link to my space which will be updated and as stated at the bottom is constantly under development. It explains who i am a little bit more and generally tells you my intrests and stuff

That was an awfull lot of information for you to take in so please if you have any questions hit that reply button (hopefully it won't hit you!)

Have fun on H2G2, it becomes very ingrossing smiley - weird

smiley - winkeye
smiley - angelCKsmiley - devil

Welcome to H2G2

Post 2


Thanks for the intro CK.

So far I have only been browsing and submitting the odd question to see what sort of responses I get. I will try to keep more of an eye on what's going on the big world of h2g2.


Welcome to H2G2

Post 3

lw - ck

smiley - ok have fun and tell me if you have ANY querys or problems

smiley - winkeye
smiley - angelCKsmiley - devil

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