This is the Message Centre for Brainless Blonde Babe

Angel Calling

Post 1

Researcher 168963

Hello and welcome to the guide smiley - smiley

My name is Dastardly, and I'm a guardian angelsmiley - angel. This means I wander around trying to be helpful, and 'adopt' anyone who wants looking after. Normally this would be the point where I would give you links, but you've already been visited by a few ACEs so I doubt there's anything I can add.

The best advice is to jump into the site with both finely pedicured feet- you'll soon find that we're a friendly bunch.

You've arrived in the middle of a site changeover (they've just added some new technology, which not many people have used before), so if people are looking confused that's probably the explanation. Unless there's a blonde conspiracy I don't know about (I'm brunette- thinking about going dark blue but probably won't).

If you have any questions then just ask and I'll try my best to answer them.


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