This is the Message Centre for Hoovooloo

For the record

Post 1


January 20th, 11:26 am

For the record

Post 2

esoteric epigram

congratulations? is it standard practice to reply to these? am i breaking ettiquette? just to say hi and i followed your invitation and stole a few of your guideml tricks, hope that is all peachy keen.


For the record

Post 3


Hi! I'm glad you liked
Liked it
enough to pinch stuff?
Kool! That's what I did.
Zinger of a start.
Not that
it's a
everyone does it
to some extent
really. Normally
begin a conv on a
user's space
to talk,
not journal entries,
collections of
irrelevant messages
grow there. Not
an important thing,


For the record

Post 4

esoteric epigram

more of a sort of diary? or is it to talk to people you already know? irrelavance is not to be sniffed at though. allways up for a good irrelevant conversation.


For the record

Post 5

Trout Montague

I think HVL is trying to demonstrate that H2G2 has the annoying 'glich' in its clock that anything posted within the period 24-48 hours ago is considered yesterday even if it is in fact two days ago, i.e., stuff I post on Saturday night still registers as yesterday on Monday morning. Only 48 hours and 1 second later will it register as 2 days ago.

For the record.

For the record

Post 6

Trout Montague

HVL, I posted this for you ... A858891

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