This is the Message Centre for Cybercat
The Asbury Park Ranger (proud owner of the No.27 shirt,can spurs still reach europe,i doubt it) Started conversation Mar 20, 2002
The Asbury Park Ranger (proud owner of the No.27 shirt,can spurs still reach europe,i doubt it) Posted Mar 20, 2002
scared witless
The Asbury Park Ranger (proud owner of the No.27 shirt,can spurs still reach europe,i doubt it) Posted Mar 20, 2002
the toaster from hell keeps picking on me.if there's one thing more scary than pap idol its evil toastersAARRRRGGHHH one's just scuttled in the room......QUICK GET HELP IM RUNNING OUT OF TIME
Cybercat Posted Mar 20, 2002
I shall help you
*Gets a jug of water
Throw it oover the toaster and it will disable it.
The Asbury Park Ranger (proud owner of the No.27 shirt,can spurs still reach europe,i doubt it) Posted Mar 20, 2002
PHHEEEEWWWEEEE!!!!!that was close i just hope the kettle dont join the K.A.A(kitchin applience army)
Cybercat Posted Mar 20, 2002
You know I heard you flirt with all the Researchers on this
The Asbury Park Ranger (proud owner of the No.27 shirt,can spurs still reach europe,i doubt it) Posted Mar 20, 2002
Key: Complain about this post
- 1: The Asbury Park Ranger (proud owner of the No.27 shirt,can spurs still reach europe,i doubt it) (Mar 20, 2002)
- 2: Cybercat (Mar 20, 2002)
- 3: The Asbury Park Ranger (proud owner of the No.27 shirt,can spurs still reach europe,i doubt it) (Mar 20, 2002)
- 4: Cybercat (Mar 20, 2002)
- 5: The Asbury Park Ranger (proud owner of the No.27 shirt,can spurs still reach europe,i doubt it) (Mar 20, 2002)
- 6: Cybercat (Mar 20, 2002)
- 7: The Asbury Park Ranger (proud owner of the No.27 shirt,can spurs still reach europe,i doubt it) (Mar 20, 2002)
- 8: Cybercat (Mar 20, 2002)
- 9: The Asbury Park Ranger (proud owner of the No.27 shirt,can spurs still reach europe,i doubt it) (Mar 20, 2002)
- 10: Cybercat (Mar 20, 2002)
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