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The Asbury Park Ranger Started conversation Mar 11, 2002
hi how r u on this wet monday morning(WAKEY WAKEY) its 6-44 time to greet the day with that sweet smile im dreaming you've rewriting my page soon
maybe today,any objections if i mention you on gonna be online all day (caffine induced state permitting)
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The Asbury Park Ranger Posted Mar 11, 2002
im feeling better than i did on saturday morning,oh man did i have a hangover from hell or wot.hmmm,emma woz her name 21,thats all i know so far.....or should that be remember
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The Asbury Park Ranger Posted Mar 11, 2002
it was a right ol' weird turn of events.came back from town to find said emma in my front room with my cousins,then there was a situation with a camera which i'll tell another time
The Asbury Park Ranger Posted Mar 11, 2002
i just saw your link about me.u know them symbols u use 4 tags i aint got the arrows that go left&right,so my page will be all plain text....boring
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