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Wilson's Diary 13/01/2002

Post 1

Wilson Brown-Bear

Grrrr, yet another page in my diary to fill in. You don't know how much my little paws ache from writing at times, but still I do it for you, the reader. Not that I expect there to be any readers, I mean, who would want to read the diary of a depressed teddy bear. Not that I am depressed, oh no, I just act that way to get attention, not that it ever works, nobody ever pays me any attention anyway... *SIGH*

What has happened today...

I has a rather nice message from a lovely young lady called Titania, she informed me she knew of some pictures of Paddington Bear that were floating (rather like the lady herself does), around H2G2. I am very interesting in seeing them and said so. She also said she was a Helper for the Lonely and Blue, and I told her I would let her know of I came across anyone with that affliction and would point them in her direction. smiley - sadface

Mister Vibenstein posted a message back to me. He has got married, and his wife works with bears!!! I await with keen anticipation his explanation of this. I really hope she is not a bear stuffer, that would be somethibg to horrible to contemplate. *SHUDDER*

Another old aquaintance of mine called by to read my last journal entry, a very nice fish called Coely. I like fish a lot, cold and wet as they are, they also smell. Not as bad as me, you know with the rotting stuffing in my left foot. Anyway, it was good that she took the time to swim across the H2G2 pond and say hello. I like her very much, maybe Coely could become my brand new best friend. smiley - sadface

At least!!! Joanna has answered me, she says she missed me when I went away. She is kind indeed, trying to make me feel better, though of course that is impossible, as no one could make me feel better, it goes against my nature. I have asked her if she is indeed still my girlfriend, I would wait with bated breath, if only I had some breath to bate!!!

Monsy has once more spoken to me, she always tries to cheer me up, an impossible task I think. But she does try so, she is vert trying is Monsy. She has pointed out all the nice new smilies that have appeared since I was here last. Let me go look at them, I will return shortly.


A sad little tune played on what could possibly be bagpipes is heard as if from a distance...


I see, there's the;
smiley - sadface smilie, very nice...
smiley - sadface smilie, really quite nice...
smiley - sadface smilie, festive I'm sure...
smiley - sadface smilie, a little to much like the smiley - sadface smilie I think...

All nice, but I think I will stick to my old and faithful smiley - sadface smilie.

Thanks for pointing them out Monsy. smiley - sadface

Well thats about it for this entry, time to click the old store button, and leave it for you to read, not that you will
read it, as I said before, but one can always live in hope...

WbB smiley - sadface

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Wilson's Diary 13/01/2002

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