This is the Message Centre for Ruthilocks

Welcome Ruthilocks!

Post 1

Gullibility Personified

h2g2 is an online community based on Douglas Adams’ “hitchhikers” series, but I’m sure you’ve figured that out by now smiley - winkeye

Everyone I’ve met has been very friendly…mind you, I haven’t started talking to myself yet…

Part of the aim of this place is to establish an ‘edited guide’ which is a lot of entries on a lot of different things. You can find it here

The Guide has a special code for writing entries to be submitted. You can find out more about that here: You can also use GuideML to add rather neat effects to your page.. You can also put pictures in using GuideML.

Smiley’s are cute little things like this smiley - biggrin and smiley - schooloffish. To find out all about them, just click on one.

There are heaps of conversations to get involved in, but sometimes it’s a bit bewildering trying to find them, so an easier way is to jump on one from somebody else’s space who you already know – like mine, for example. (just click on the link up there somewhere).

Have fun!
If you have any problems, just ask.
Oh, and I would advise you to set your preferences to classic goo


Welcome Ruthilocks!

Post 2


thank you for the welcome it was much appreciated. this site is very overwhelming, so much stuff going on. i can't imagine ever getting through everything. so apparently you are harry fan to, what did you think of the movie? have you seen the Fellowship of the Ring? i thought that they were both great and i am looking forward to owning them both on dvd to see all the extras.

Welcome Ruthilocks!

Post 3

Gullibility Personified

The harry potter film...I didn't think much of, actually.

I haven't seen LOTR yet, but I'm looking forward to it. I'm not a huge fan of the books, so I won't walk into it with such high hopes as I had with Harry Potter - I say "hopes" not "expectations" purposely!

Are there any specific *scratches head...not problems, but* hurdles you're facing? Such as guideML or finding conversations? Just ask if you need help.


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