This is the Message Centre for AstroLion – the mane man!

Hi :o)

Post 1


So your the Astro-lion smiley - smiley I've heard about you hun smiley - smiley

Hi :o)

Post 2

AstroLion – the mane man!

Nothing bad, I hope!

If you want a new tag, try Aphrodite.

Hi :o)

Post 3


no nothing bad...jonathan,ACE was telling me about you.

Hey! i do like that name....venus-aphrodite....what do you think?..smiley - smiley

Hi :o)

Post 4

AstroLion – the mane man!

Well, that way you've got both the Greeks and the Romans covered...

Hi :o)

Post 5


oooooh a bit of conflict! suits me fine then smiley - biggrin

Dont know how long it'll last though, untill the next crisis i expect smiley - smiley

Hi :o)

Post 6

AstroLion – the mane man!

Well, then you could always change it to Isis or Ishtar...

Hi :o)

Post 7


Oh its always got to have "venus" at the start, i've used that tag for years now...and people know who i am by it smiley - huh come to think of it...if ever i wanted to hide, i would HAVE to lose the venus!! smiley - erm

Anyway Mr astrolion its very nice to meet you...even if it is several posts on from my first smiley - laugh

Hi :o)

Post 8

AstroLion – the mane man!

And it's nice to meet you, too!

Anyway, all those names I suggested refer to the same goddess - so there's a bit of consistency. If you like consistency, that is...

Hi :o)

Post 9


I had a feeling they did, but i'm not that well up on mythology & history.
Having read your space, i see your into Astrology. is it as complcated as it seems? smiley - smiley

Hi :o)

Post 10

AstroLion – the mane man!

Not just into astrology, do it for a living. Depends what you mean by complicated – but it does take a fair bit of learning to do it properly. Not something you can pick up in a weekend...

Hi :o)

Post 11


So what else do you do apart from astrology?
No I should'nt think it is something you can pick up just like that, must take a while smiley - smiley

Hi :o)

Post 12

AstroLion – the mane man!

I'm a partner in a book-publishing firm. Have a look at my space - I think that still tells all (or at least as much as I'm willing to give out...smiley - smiley)

Hi :o)

Post 13


Sounds a very interesting line of work, not that i have time to read books anymore.smiley - smiley

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