A Conversation for Journeys Through Roman Britain Today

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A26710616 - Roman Roads Today

Post 1


Entry: Roman Roads Today - A26710616
Author: Bob Stafford. ACE smiley - smiley Join The h2g2 Book Club @ A20154070 (Keeper of The Treacle Shadow) - U3151547

Please comment I need your opinion and any additions or information.


A26710616 - Roman Roads Today

Post 2


How about adding something about High Street - which runs right along the top of the mountains between Ambleside in southern lakeland to Penrith in the north of the region...

A26710616 - Roman Roads Today

Post 3


This looks like the makings of a good summary Entry - the others will need to be finished before this goes into Peer Review, so in the meanwhile here's plenty of nitpicks:

smiley - friedegg
>>>there are about 80% that can be traced<<<
>>>The routes of the rest (15%)<<<
80 + 15 = 95 - what about the other 5%?

smiley - friedegg
>>>a clue as well as well as the archaeological records<<<
smiley - winkeye

smiley - friedegg
>>>A 5<<<
>>>A 257<<<
>>>A 2<<<
...and so forth - get rid of the gaps between the letter 'A' and the numbers.

smiley - friedegg
>>>Each journey starts at the same point as the Roman entry, giving a brief description of the modern journey. Noting and listing notable points on the trip. in many places the route of the Roman road is lost, so the nearest modern route is given.<<<
In this Entry, each journey is described briefly while listing notable points on the trip. In many places the route of the Roman road is lost, and so the nearest modern route is given. Each route is also described in a separate Entry, which narrates the same journey from start to finish.

smiley - friedegg
>>>When using the Roman road entries the you going to travel back in time to about 100-200 AD, when the journeys described would have been possible. Many of the settlements have dissapered, many hidden beneith the city they develeped into.<<<
The narrative Entries which accompany this overview will take you back to 100-200 AD, when the journeys described would have been possible. Many of the settlements have since disappeared, some having become hidden beneath the city they developed into.

smiley - friedegg
>>>In your car it will be a day at most, if you stop and view each site it will take you longer than the Roman traveller to cover the journey.<<<
--> at most; if you stop

smiley - friedegg
>>>In order to provide a reference to the condition of the towns and sites listed in each entry today, each entry uses the following reference guide: Shown as (Chichester (4) in subheading of the Roman road entry as shown below.

1. = No longer visible. Or built over.
2. = Building platforms, mounds and crop marks.
3. = Some ruins are visible above ground.
4. = Visible site with museum support.
5. = A major site and tourist attraction.<<<

This section is covered in each of the Entries covering the individual roads, so you should probably remove it from this Entry.

Alex smiley - smiley

A26710616 - Roman Roads Today

Post 4


This entry backs up the already (2 in the edited guide 1 finished and pending) writen guides.
However as there is no limit on the entries I will look into it.

By the way do you mean Ravenglass (Glannoventa), Hardknott (Mediobogdum), Ambleside (Galava). but Penrith, do you mean Old Penrith (Voreda)?
If so it then goes to Wreay (Cummersdale) to Carlisle, (Luguvalium) then I assume to Stanwix the nearest fort on Hadrians wall.smiley - smiley

A26710616 - Roman Roads Today

Post 5


High Street runs between Ambleside (Galava) and Penrith (Brocavum) http://www.roman-britain.org/places/brocavum.htm

A26710616 - Roman Roads Today

Post 6


smiley - cheers
Thats another entry to do then smiley - laugh

A26710616 - Roman Roads Today

Post 7


Hi Alex thanks for that

>>>A 5<<<
>>>A 257<<<
>>>A 2<<<
...and so forth - get rid of the gaps between the letter 'A' and the numbers.

If I dont leave the gap I get some road numbers defult to edited entries most confusing

A229 A1446A367A429A515A218A418

A26710616 - Roman Roads Today

Post 8



A26710616 - Roman Roads Today

Post 9


Good man Wiskey nice link

A26710616 - Roman Roads Today

Post 10


Hi Alex All alterations donesmiley - smiley

A26710616 - Roman Roads Today

Post 11


Any more commentssmiley - smiley

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