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Post 1


 Tea is that fine wonderful drink which everyone (especially British people) turns to when they've nothing better to do.

People can often be heard saying "I'll put the Kettle on" in the following situations;

1) An advert break in the middle of any television program
2) When they can't work something out
3) When they want to delay doing any work
4) When they are tired/annoyed/distressed/upset

Of course - many people would try to tell you that there are many other alternatives but nothing comes close to being as satisfying as a good cup of tea

Finally - Tea should always *always* be made using real tea leaves and not those foul alternatives called "Teabags"


Post 2


Tea is a wonderful drink to sip while smurfing the weird wide web. If you were to place a hidden microphone next to my computer you would here "click-slurp, click-click-slurp" most of the time. I prefer a dash of lemon in mine.

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