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42 Money-saving tips
Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation Started conversation Apr 3, 2008
Hi, I'm Whoami? and I'm the Sub-editor for your Entry "42 Money-saving Household Hints", which was put forward some time ago for inclusion in the Edited Guide.
First off, I am extremely sorry that it's taken so long to get to your Entry. I shan't go into personal details about why I've been so inefficient here, but please accept my apologies.
Secondly, I have now completed my edit of your Entry. There are very few changes - a couple of typos, and a slight alteration to the introduction in light of the fact that the inexorable rise of house prices is currently in some significant doubt.
I shall be submitting this Entry back to the Editors at the end of Sunday night, 6th April. Please take this opportunity to review my changes and let me know in this thread if there is anything further that you think needs adjusting.
It was a pleasure to work on your Entry. I wish you success with further submissions for Peer Review!
42 Money-saving tips
Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation Posted Apr 3, 2008
PS: I may have neglected to mention that my copy of the Entry is at A30558323.
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42 Money-saving tips
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