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Post 1


Faith is this is fundamental to truth and therefore how we view the world visavis those who are delluded will view the world according to thier delusion's.

AHH you say, but I have guessed what you believe, and I believe that you are deluded, weeEELLLL, now them, the question is thus how do we get to what we believe, how do we deteremine truth.

This is a Philosophical question, and is ESSENTIAL to LIFE, note:Philosophy is therefore essentially useful and PRACTICAL.

EVERYTHING requires faith,

AT the most basic level what think about ourselves, and the world around us is purely based upon our minds and our senses.
when i say senses, i am reffering not only to touch taste smell etc
but to our feelings because our emotions are real and are a part of us as much as an arm or leg.
Mamy people have talked about love for instance, this is an incredibly powerful emotion, and drives people to extreme adventures, many people who have fallen in love, have said that they could not live without the object of thier love.

getting late will continue ASAP.

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