A Conversation for Leadership (Part 3):...I said, BARBARIANS!!!

Alternative Writing Workshop: A26022124 - Leadership (Part 3):...I said, BARBARIANS!!!

Post 1

sinnerman pfank

Entry: Leadership (Part 3):...I said, BARBARIANS!!! - A26022124
Author: sinnerman - U9260985

Part 3 of ~12.....I've worked out where I'm headed, now.


A26022124 - Leadership (Part 3):...I said, BARBARIANS!!!

Post 2

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - rofl Funny, as usual.

'bloodthirsty horde', please.

A26022124 - Leadership (Part 3):...I said, BARBARIANS!!!

Post 3

sinnerman pfank

Evening dmitri

Thanks for reading and spotting the errors. Much appreciated. Have corrected.

Best wishes


A26022124 - Leadership (Part 3):...I said, BARBARIANS!!!

Post 4


Do I detect a whiff of George W. Bush speak in this? smiley - biggrin

The scansion is a bit uneven. In particular, the line 'Stop, I've a new structure for the City Board' jars a bit.

A26022124 - Leadership (Part 3):...I said, BARBARIANS!!!

Post 5


I'd like to propose Back to Entry due to being hidden.


A26022124 - Leadership (Part 3):...I said, BARBARIANS!!!

Post 6

SashaQ - happysad


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