This is the Message Centre for Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...


Post 1


Cheers FEISOR, I briefly used the h2g2 site years ago...maybe still here under the pseudonym Greebo Baggins, I also looked at Greebo's page as you did ( you are one of her worshippers I believe)
Back then I posted on a board called Mindless Banter (offshoot from a Glastonbury board) but now only lurk on the BBC food site.

Thanks for the welcome.smiley - ok


Post 2

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

Welcome back ... you will find lots has changed but the important things have stayed the same - this is still the friendliest site around smiley - biggrin

If you have any questions about hootoo or need any help just drop me a line here and I'll get back to you asap smiley - ok

Have fun

smiley - cheers

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