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jayne loosing weight

Post 1

an empty stomach is an empty life

My sister ( jayne ) has lost loads of weight - it makes me sick . She's gone from average to quite thin . She only eats one meal a day and it is making me look so fat - her being all skinny . Thing is I'm not exactly disgusted by my body - I think its fine , in comparision I am a heffer and the competition is pissing me off . I can't eat 1 meal aday I would get all hungry . I made a resolution to be more healthy but finding the time to excersise is a pain in the ass . AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGGGH - this is making me feel fat!

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Post 2


Fact of the day; Dante prefers slightly to mostly over-weight girls rather than thin ones. This is very odd, for Ershin says so, so it must be true!

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