This is the Message Centre for an empty stomach is an empty life

Tue - 20 nov

Post 1

an empty stomach is an empty life

hello anyone who is reading this . I am the sort of person who keeps a diary - so what better to put in my journal than a diary of thoughts etc . It's funny i would never let anyone I know read my diary ever ever ever but with complete strangers it seems ok . I don't know you and you don't know me . I would never let anyone I know read this , but I don't know any of you . Most of the people I know won't go on this site so I'm sure I'm pretty safe .
Tue 20 nov
Today has been much better than yesterday . I got my exam timetable today and I will have loads of free time during my mocks which is really cool .
RE was good today and I still completely fancy micheal though he really isn't my type . I usually go for lanky long haired slightly strange indie types but fyke is really normal ( and really attractive compared to most of the people I go out with) . I guess we have a lot in common , though today he broke one of my ' men commandments' by confessing to liking scary movie !!!! I hate that film with a vengence!! but otherwise his taste in films is good so I can forgive him this once !
Natalie is still a bitch and I really put my foot in it today when I started going on about how stupid stars are ( well how stupid it is to pay to have one named after you - I mean what can you do with it - take if or walks go there for a holiday - I don't think so !!! Who wants to by a ball of burning gas !!! I think I'm going to start selling plots on URANUS - could be a good money spinner !!!)
She argued with me for ages - waaargh my nan has a sttar named after her blagh blagh blagh . She really does my head in - and she has been following simon around everywhere , and I know I'm being really possesive and pathetic which I shouldn't be , but it's like she's spending all her time with MY BEST FRIEND . It's annoying - if it was anyone else I don't think I'd care - but there you go !

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