This is the Message Centre for afFINity
Kristina the Flamenco Dancer - PS of Duende, Muse Started conversation Nov 15, 2001
*sweeping in *
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Alaska, eh? Tell me, how many hours of daylight do you have during the darkest time of the year?
Oh - and if you'd like to change your user name, just click on 'Preferences' and change your nick name!
Waiting for the right name to strike me..
afFINity Posted Nov 16, 2001
For now, I find it novel being given a researcher number-
Thanks for your suggestions.. I haven't had the time to give this whole thing the real going over that it needs...
And now it's time for beddy-bye. However, I will answer your question re daylight.. at present, here in Anchorage we have about seven hours of daylight- which sounds better than it is.. as a great deal of that seems to be devoted towards the goal of BEING light or dark... I have been told that we will have about four hours of daylight in about a month and a half. Much furthur up north, of course, it is drastic- MONTHS without daylight.. but I hear that it is rather like a perpetual dawn (minus the pretty pink clouds) I'm not sure what people would like to hear really- my "areas" include Anthropology, mostly focused on native cultures.. Geography.. art history- etc - when the holidays come I will have more time to figure things out.. ANY way.. thanks again.. looking foreward to it all! Tonight I'll be dreaming about kinship patterns... Finals are coming soon!
Waiting for the right name to strike me..
Kristina the Flamenco Dancer - PS of Duende, Muse Posted Nov 16, 2001
I live in Sweden, and on the shortest day of winter we have around 6 hours of daylight - but the amount of light does of course depend on whether it's cloudy or not, and whether we have snow or not..
..last couple of winters have been depressingly snow-less, making a cloudy winter day look pretty gloomy..
Anyway, this might be a good place to start exploring the guide:
Have fun!
Waiting for the right name to strike me..
afFINity Posted Nov 17, 2001
Lets see here.. the faces..
Thanks! Briefly took the tour earlier today- as I said... I'll have more time to get involved after the holidays. I have ACTUALLY been playing grownup this year.. getting ready for the thanksgiving holiday.. and this is the first time I will take a boyfriend to my parents house.. actually- the first holiday with them in six and a half years!
SO.. what have you written? How do you go about finding what particular members have contributed to? Unless someone sees you and decides it's their mission to pull you out of your little corner.. the only way to get involved is to post, right? Are there rules about posting or can you just run around commenting willy-nilly? Ok.. enough questions.. Take care!
Waiting for the right name to strike me..
Kristina the Flamenco Dancer - PS of Duende, Muse Posted Nov 17, 2001
Hi again!:) Glad to see you found the smilies, they are soooo
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