A Conversation for Leadership (Part 1): Evolution (101)

Alternative Writing Workshop: A25759443 - Leadership (Part 1): Evolution (101)

Post 1

sinnerman pfank

Entry: Leadership (Part 1): Evolution (101) - A25759443
Author: sinnerman - U9260985

Leadership in Action.

Should be in ~12 parts, unless I get bored or distracted by something else along the way, hopefully see you at the end.


A25759443 - Leadership (Part 1): Evolution (101)

Post 2


Great stuff. Lovely last line

A25759443 - Leadership (Part 1): Evolution (101)

Post 3

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - rofl Funny.

A25759443 - Leadership (Part 1): Evolution (101)

Post 4


Funny and telling. smiley - smiley

Why the 101 in the title? Do you have 100 more of these poems?

A25759443 - Leadership (Part 1): Evolution (101)

Post 5

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

I was thinking 101 as in a course number at an American university?smiley - huh

A25759443 - Leadership (Part 1): Evolution (101)

Post 6


Not the dalmations dmt

A25759443 - Leadership (Part 1): Evolution (101)

Post 7


smiley - book for later...

A25759443 - Leadership (Part 1): Evolution (101)

Post 8


There seems to be a worrying lack of leadership these days...
As this has gone as it contravenes the rules, I'll propose Back to Entry.


A25759443 - Leadership (Part 1): Evolution (101)

Post 9

SashaQ - happysad


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