A Conversation for Buzz Word Bingo!

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A25679208 - Buzz Word Bingo!

Post 1

sinnerman pfank

Entry: Buzz Word Bingo! - A25679208
Author: sinnerman - U9260985

An old one.

Dedicated to minoVognpoet following one of his comments (hope this doesn't bring back too many bad memories of your old workplace!)


A25679208 - Buzz Word Bingo!

Post 2


Think you might want to have put this in the Alternative Writing Workshop SP smiley - smiley

A25679208 - Buzz Word Bingo!

Post 3

sinnerman pfank

Thanks Matt TH - my mistake.

Will remove.


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Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A25679208 - Buzz Word Bingo!

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