A Conversation for The h2g2 Doctor Who Group


Post 1


As an avid Who fan, i've been following the Big Finish McGann audio adventures. The last one called Sisters of the Flame had a BRILLIANT cliffhanger.

I was just wondering if anyone else had herd it that's all...


Post 2

4me-2me (Please don't 8me)

Big Finish with McGann are generally good. My favourite is Chimes of Midnight, very funny and lot of suspense.
They should pass them again on BBC7, it's the only way canadian can hear them without buying them a fortune.


Post 3


I'm costing myself enough money buying dvds. The Chase next methinks, and Brain of Morbius.


Post 4


Brain of Morbius, when is it out ? smiley - cheers


Post 5

4me-2me (Please don't 8me)

Brain of Morbius!
It's the episode I hate the most, the only one I didn't see 'til the end. I personnaly think the author (Robert Holmes) was going too far reimagining the nature of the Time Lords and their fellow friends. Plus the narrator idea destroy the continuity idea.


Post 6


Saw it on Amazon, coming soon I think. I'm sure I have seen it before but no real clear memories, looking forward to rewatching!


Post 7

Smij - Formerly Jimster

$mn-2me, you wouldn't be confusing two stories there by any chance? Brain of Morbius doesn't have a narrator - that's The Deadly Assassin. And that wasn't the first story to have a narrator - Marco Polo takes that privilege. Brain of Morbius was written by Terrence Dicks, with elements rewritten by Robert Holmes - mainly the addition of Condo and Solon.


Post 8

4me-2me (Please don't 8me)

No, I'm sure about that. Brain of Morbius have a narrator who told us what happened in the last episode and have some sort of witches (as long as I remember). And I have never had the chance to see Marco Polo entirely no full copie of this episode exist, I only had the chance to see the audio band with pictures one after the other.
I like The Deadly Assassin.
But you are right about Robert Holmes, he only rewrote the story.
And the narration was nice in The Deadly Assassin.


Post 9

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

There's the Sisterhood of Karn in Morbius, that'll be the 'witches' you're thinking of, but definitely no narrator. Unless there was a repeat broadcast somewhere, sometime, with a 'last time on Doctor Who' style recap before it started, and you're thinking of that?

smiley - ale


Post 10

4me-2me (Please don't 8me)



Post 11

4me-2me (Please don't 8me)

But it is the only episode on this post I heard the narration for. On BBCK, the canadian channel, about 2 years ago.


Post 12

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Ahhhhh - sorry, I didn't realise you were talking about the North American re-edits. They have this horrible narration slapped over them which really REALLY distract from the story.

That narration wasn't on the original episodes. Try to pick up the DVD when it's released over there and enjoy it like it was meant to be seen.


Post 13

4me-2me (Please don't 8me)

Okay, thanks, I'll try. I'm going to UK in three days, I'll try to find it...


Post 14


I take it nobody has listened to it then?

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