A Conversation for The h2g2 Doctor Who Group

Can I join?

Post 1

And Introducing... A Leg

I've always been a Doctor Who fan (I love British Science fiction -- I wrote an article on Dan Dare to prove it). And now I'll go into some other threads for fun.

Oh yeah:

Master beats Sontarans by throwing tissue compression eliminator into probic vent.

Silurians beat Daleks by clever pincer movement with Sea Devils.

And Doctor 2 wins ultimate war by tootling on recorder while others scrap and not getting into it at all.

Can I join?

Post 2



of course u can join. i'll add u to the list when i next update the main page.

welcome to the group, i hope u enjoy participating in some of the convos!smiley - smiley

smiley - orangefish

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