A Conversation for The h2g2 Doctor Who Group


Post 1


where has everyone gone? oh well,if anyone ever turns up..new conversation..who's yer favourite who character,and why?


Post 2


I'm still here. I really like the Doctor, cos he gets to be heroic and likeable while remaining slightly geeky at all times. I'm halfway to being just like him.


Post 3


id say i was a bit like jo grant-determined but a bit clumsy!


Post 4


Well, if it's which character I'm like, as opposed to which one I like, I'd have to say I had the coordination and quick wits of Harry coupled with Adric's winning personality and charm...


Post 5


hey, but I bet you dont have a nose like adric-i watched state of decay last night--adric & romana freak me out in it! smiley - weird still love that one-i remember getting the dr who weekly with it on the cover,I think it was the pic of tom and leela in the woods-loved those "comics" but...an untidy room and a tidy mother means they are long gone! smiley - cross


Post 6


I watched it last week too - I'm in the middle of a big rewatch of my entire collection, I'm up to Four to Doomsday now - and it's a great little story. A bit headbangingly unsubtle, but that's Terrance Dicks for you. Did you ever read the fanzine article all about Adric's nose? It was reprinted in a book by Virgin a few years ago.

My mother got rid of far too many DWMs too, but thankfully I found a shop selling virtually an entire collection of back issues - I'm missing about four, all inside the first 20.


Post 7


so thats where I read that article about adric! i couldnt remember where id seen it! smiley - silly also long gone to "cleaning up" is my set of pencil sharpeners with tom baker on them-i pestered the staff in my local shop for the empty box,and ended up with doublers,just to get the bit of cardboard they came in--daft...still i'd probably do the same now! smiley - biggrin


Post 8


Slightly alarming to realise that the writer of 'Adric's Nose' now edits the BBC books range...

I remember the days when I'd buy anything with a DW connection: jigsaws, bubble bath... even, may God have mercy on my soul, the All Creatures Great And Small annual on one occasion...


Post 9


mmmm! have to think about "mercy" on that one---
no you're ok,Im waiting for Doctors to go off to watch all creatures on uk Gold! smiley - biggrin
I think the most heart-breaking moment in my Who collecting was,on a trip to the blackpool who exhibition,having spent my money on small rubbbery dinosaurs,then going into a department store that was selling...the talking K9...I pleaded with my parents,but to no avail--they had spent too much already smiley - wah I was gutted! smiley - biggrin


Post 10


*sigh* The thing about being a newcomer to Doctor Who is I never got a chance to buy any of the original stuff. Overpriced mouse mats and mobile phone covers just don't have the same attraction as pencil sharpeners and talking K-9s. (Although secretly what I most desire are the infamous Fourth Doctor underpants...)

On the subject of which character you like the most/are most like, I absolutely adore Romana II, but in my heart of hearts I suspect I'm actually Adric...


Post 11


I believe I am most like Ian. I too am a teacher and like Ian a bit conservative and pigheaded. I like to help others and do enjoy an adventure. It has been a long time sense I have seen one of the early episodes so perhaps tonight I shall pull out a tape and watch Susan inevitably trip over something and sprain her ankle.


Post 12


I think the 'Susan tripping over things' thing is one of those false memories everyone has. Okay, it happened in Dalek Invasion of Earth but I can't think of another occasion - except for in the Five Doctors, and I suspect it's only there because the writer thought, ah, Susan - everyone says she was always tripping over things! In the same way the third Doctor was supposedly always saying 'reverse the polarity of the neutron flow' but actually only said it twice on TV - and one of those was in the Five Doctors, too!

Only slightly off-topic...smiley - smiley


Post 13


yeah-and I dont think Who deserves the Crossroads in space comments re: wobbly sets...Il tell you who I wish I was like in Who...Romana I-all the blokes I know think shes gorge! smiley - wah !


Post 14


Well, I recall (not first hand obviously) some extremely wobbly sets from the 60s! The very first shot in The Krotons is of the set not working properly.

I've given up trying to defend the production values, they're just there to help the story. Unlike in most American SF shows, where's it's a case of the reverse being true.

I'd find it tough to choose between the two Romanas (given that some sort of arrangement between the three of us wasn't possible). I think in the end I would be drawn towards version 1.0 as she is self-evidently posh totty (conveniently ingoring the fact that Lalla Ward is a Viscountess or something).


Post 15


smiley - winkeye
true...Id forgotten about that door in The Krotons!
but hey! Im sure If you went to see Olivier play Othello there would have been wobbly sets! (but pamela,Dr Who isnt Shakespeare..)
smiley - blush
with the limited choice of blokes for us lasses in Who,
I suppose Id have to say Peter Davison...but I do have a soft spot for Benton..
my that sounds AWFUL-or is it just my mind?
anyway,thats why at my first Memorabilia convention,I just about passed out at meeting peter! ha ha ha!
smiley - loveblush


Post 16


A friend of mine, upon meeting Peter Davison said "Button Moon" and ran away in panic. He has never forgive himself.
As for me, always a big fan of Ace. Would love to be the Doctor, but probably do end up as a cross between Ian and Adric, which is definately depressing smiley - smiley


Post 17


I once met one of the actresses out of the stage show and jokingly said something like, 'You were very good - which one were you again?' before wandering off.

I've never quite forgiven myself for that. Or headbutting that guy in the Cyberman costume while waiting in line for Colin Baker's autograph (he shouldn't have made fun of my scarf).


Post 18


The worst thing I've ever done to someone famous was accidental; I had cycled to a signing when the chain fell off the bike, and I put it back on, getting very oily hands. Then, after an hour's queuing, when I actually met them, they put their hands out to shake muine, and I'd forgotten about the oil, and didn't realise until after I'd left. But it doesn't matter, they weren't in Doctor Who.

The only person from Doctor Who I have met is Michael Sheard, who's very friendly and easy to talk to.


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