A Conversation for The h2g2 Doctor Who Group

BBCi Who

Post 1


Have we all seen the new online who at
This week with a guest for the Buffy fans and a duff episode ending smiley - smiley

BBCi Who

Post 2


Foiled! I was hoping to be able to break this news...

BBCi Who

Post 3


Bwahahahahahah!! smiley - devil

BBCi Who

Post 4


Well, while waiting for the next instalment to go online, I may as well ask what people think of it so far.
I did like Antimoney and his lack of Earth knowledge, but other than that not a lot has so far occured in this little story. Somewhat quite for a first episode I thought, and the ending was very dull.

BBCi Who

Post 5


At the risk of talking to myself, I've just listened to the second part and am now much more intrigued. I hadn't thought the pilot events would reappear quite so soon.

BBCi Who

Post 6

ViceChancellorGriffin Keeper spelling Mistakes and Goldfish

Im have been enjoying DCTT since the pilot was broadcast, especially Antinomys Dinosaurs smiley - smiley.
But what is Dan Freeman going to do now big finish has taken over?

BBCi Who

Post 7


Go on to make the next online drama? They were saying that though they have comissioned Big Finish for the next Who, they are looking at doing something else afterwards, depending on ratings.

BBCi Who

Post 8

ViceChancellorGriffin Keeper spelling Mistakes and Goldfish

I allways thought thet I wouldent complain about Deat Come To Time and I am enjoying it a awful lot but the swearing gets me down. Its meant to be a programe for all ages but. smiley - sadface
Sorry I dont meant to rant. Hay If you aint lisining yet do.

BBCi Who

Post 9


Anyone listened to it all the way through then? Would love to talk about it and what it does to the "canon" now that I've picked my jaw up off the floor.
smiley - yikes

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