A Conversation for Super Furry Animals

hi ste

Post 1

an empty stomach is an empty life

Ste I was taken aback by the length of your entry and the information you gave !!
none the less I agree with you - though I have to say gorky's zygotic mynci are better !
from super furry liz :¬)

hi ste

Post 2


I was going to be more comprehensive. Then I thought that all other information was a bit useless; discographies, band members, etc. because you can get that at any SFA site.Remember the golden rule: KISS - Keep It Simple, Stupid.

I just thought I'd state a fact instead.

Gorkys: yeah, I like them too, but nowhere near as much as SFA or the mighty Mogwai or Primal Scream or Grandaddy or...., oh I could go on. They can get a bit too... err... 'trippy' is the wrong word, so is 'wierd'. The best word I can think of is that they get too magical and mystical and wizzardy. Y'know what I mean? Whatever, they're still fantastic too.

Sorry it too so long to reply, I haven't checked this page in ages smiley - smiley

Ste smiley - stout

hi ste

Post 3

an empty stomach is an empty life

tis ok - I'd forgotten I even wrote that message !!
I just bought MWNG the other day as an early christmas present to myself. it's pretty darn good I must say . I see what u mean about Gorkies being wizzardy - though there stuff now seems to be a bit more grown up . Perhaps they should jump on the harry potter band wagon and create a new wizzard genre- sell some records to dumbass kids . I was at the leeds fest when mogwai were there but can't say I've ever heard any of there stuff . Gradaddy and primal scream are pretty good too like . I'm pretty ecclectic anyway .
See ya

hi ste

Post 4


Mwng is one of my favourites. The last track might be the best thing they've ever done. Maybe.

I like allsorts too, including lots of good dance music, most of which is british.

Ste smiley - stout

hi ste

Post 5



You still about? fancy making a SFA h2g2 fanclub? I've found a couple of other fans. Could be a laff.

smiley - biggrin

smiley - tea

Stesmiley - stout

hi ste

Post 6

Great Western Lettuce (no.51) Just cut down the fags instead

If you ever do....Let us know
Placid Casual Lettuce

hi ste

Post 7


I think I just might now. Five people just on this one little website. But I don't think an empty stomach... here is still with us.

smiley - ok

Stesmiley - stout

hi ste

Post 8


SFA fan club up and running!



smiley - biggrin

Stesmiley - stout

hi ste

Post 9


Ooh a fanclub eh, well I'm a fan. Where do I sign?


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