This is the Message Centre for doggymad (the dog with the curly tail that just wont go straight!)
curly tail???
Primord Started conversation May 19, 2002
are you a Japanese Akita-they have very curly tails-I know I have one! (the dog that is-not the tail!!!)
he is a bundle of loopy energy-and he's driving me up the wall!
he has a new unobtainable girlf-a tiny ickle black
lmao-I think she loves him too!
woof soon!
curly tail???
doggymad (the dog with the curly tail that just wont go straight!) Posted May 20, 2002
lol the curly tail is just a remark linked to my hairdressing qualities, i should be a baboon really, groomig other people and all that lmao
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curly tail???
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