This is the Message Centre for Hermione1


Post 1


I just writing to be polite and ask if you have any issues with me putting you on my friend list??
smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin


Post 2


hi there DJ and of coarse you can put me on your friends list and i shall do the same .Im getting the kids their breakfast so i shall mail you later
smiley - biggrinsmiley - cheers


Post 3


Hey there DJ hows it going?We are well apart from lola being unwell with temps and teething.So how is your boyfriend?Have you moved in with him yet?If you have how is that going?Wow its sooooo hot over here at the moment its like 30 degrees and its meant to reach at least 35 throughout the rest of the week.I hate the heat it sucks.i havent seen on hootoo for a few days,i hope everything is alright.Or maybe i have just missed you when im on as i try go on in the day time now instead of nights as we are trying to get the kiddies in a propper routine.Me always on the net.Well have fun and take care,hopefully i will catch up with you soon.

Kyliesmiley - cheers


Post 4


Hey there, well its been a weird couple of weeks all in all, my bloke got rushed to hospital on wed from a small insect bite he received on monday, it went black and spread up his arm - the up shot of it was that he very nearly died! so 3 operations later he finally came home yesterday and will be off work for about 3 months!!
All very very frightening!

So as you can imagine i'm very tired and stressed!!

smiley - smiley anyway there you go - how are things with you??


Post 5


im very sorry to hear that i hope he gets better real soon.As for me Lola my 6month old is sick she has an ear infection and conjuntivitis plus teething so she is not a very happy little girl she is on antibiotics and im just waiting for them to start working,but apart from that i am well.
but for now i must go and try and settle her talk soon


Post 6


Well Dj is was good to have a chat with you after all this time but i really must be off its late over here and i have to get to you have yourself a great weekend if i dont get to talk to you 2mozsmiley - cakesmiley - chocsmiley - cheerup


Post 7


Good to chat and i'll catch up with you soon
smiley - biggrinsmiley - hug

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