A Conversation for Namechecks in the choruses of the song "Hello" by the Beloved

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A25319630 - Namechecks in the choruses of the song "Hello" by the Beloved

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Entry: Namechecks in the choruses of the song "Hello" by the Beloved - A25319630
Author: Son of Roj Blake - U114627

One of my favourite songs from one of my favourite albums. Always wondered who some of the people they mention actually were - research has answered most but not all. Anyone?

Will fix formatting later.

A25319630 - Namechecks in the choruses of the song "Hello" by the Beloved

Post 2


Damn. Meant for Peer Review. How do I remove?

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Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A25319630 - Namechecks in the choruses of the song "Hello" by the Beloved

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