This is the Message Centre for hazelnut

thought you might like this

Post 1

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

better than a slap round the face with a wet smiley - fish


thought you might like this

Post 2


Just for you!
It took me ages to type in the correct string but it is quite cute.

but I give up there are too many letters and numbers and it has p**sed me off now.

have some of this instead

smiley - sharksmiley - popcorn

I was trying to send you a scarab beetle pushing some dung along I don't understnd why it dung work!?

thought you might like this

Post 3

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

You don't need to type out the url, just click on it.
smiley - smiley

Have asmiley - monstersmiley - winkeye

To post an url yourself, right click on the addy page you wish to share.
When the drop down menu opens, select "copy" then when you want to post the url, right-click and select "paste".
Hope that helps.
smiley - hug

e.g. Here is my homepage, you are welcome to go view my urls:

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