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Edging back to normality

Post 1


Well after the chaos and drama of the past couple of weeks life is returning slightly to normal smiley - smiley

My bloke is still bored mindless at home with his arm all bandaged up, I'm now back at work again and trying to catch up everything that got put aside whilst i was off!!

Anyway even thou its wednesday morning i'm still plotting my way towards the weekend and a day of international sport on saturday - well football and rugby!!
The rugby semi final should be awesome and we may have a chance of beating the french, mind you i think its safe to say i may be a little drunk by that point in the night!!smiley - cheers

anyway must get back to doing something i'm paid for !!

smiley - loveblush

Edging back to normality

Post 2

Menthol Penguin - Currently revising/editing my book

I personally can't stand male football.smiley - rolleyes

It's brilliant when the fmeales play, they actually get on with it rather than messing around!smiley - biggrin

Just a quick thought, if you haven't already you could introduce your bloke to h2g2!

Edging back to normality

Post 3


We have a very iffy internet connection at the moment at home plus he can't type very well as his hand is all bandaged up!!smiley - injured, also he's still pretty groggy and sleeping a lot on and off!

Damn those smiley - spider with big nasty teeth

Re football - I really enjoyed watching the Womens World Cup, my only objection (from what i saw) was the standard of goal keeping, it seemed to let them down a lot.

Edging back to normality

Post 4

Menthol Penguin - Currently revising/editing my book

Ahh, i see the problem.

I only watched a few mintues of the womens football, then I flicked around the channels until I decided that seeing as nothing interesting was on i went and did something else!

Hope you and your bloke are fine, and it's only a few days until the weekend!smiley - biggrin

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