A Conversation for Mary Seacole - Pioneering Nurse

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A25123277 - Mary Seacole

Post 1

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

Entry: Mary Seacole - A25123277
Author: Opticalillusion - media mynx life would be boring without hiccups - U231227

would anyone like to comment on my entry on Mary Seacole?

A25123277 - Mary Seacole

Post 2


This is very very good,

Having introduced her call her Mary it flows better. Please add a little mre detail in places, numbers of men treated, was she supported by other staff, how did the other nurses and doctors regard her...that sort of thing smiley - smiley

And if race was an issue and did affect her mention it
smiley - smiley

A25123277 - Mary Seacole

Post 3

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

I cant find an answer to your question on how many people she treated. Nor can I find a direct answer to your question of who worked with her but I assume from what I've read nobody supported her.
How others looked upon her - I thought I'd covered this and racesmiley - erm

A25123277 - Mary Seacole

Post 4



Things to look up;

The Mary Seacole Awards Scheme

Mary Seacole Research Centre

'her book', as you put it in the first paragraph. You need to tell us what the book is before we get to the very end of the Entry. I know it is an autobiography as such and enjoyed it very much. Have you read it? If not, I suggest you do, then you may be able to answer Bob's questions better.

I am somewhat hesitant to say this is very very good, but it's getting there. I suggest finding out a little more about her as a person, I get nothing of the fact that she really was a 'can-do' kind of lady. Nothing phased her.

I believe looking for a copy of her book, and the recent biography, from a local library would benefit this, as it reads a lot like chunks of info from a collection of other websites. smiley - sadface

A25123277 - Mary Seacole

Post 5

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

I started looking into a few things that you've mentioned. However, I picked up the wrong book. smiley - doh

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