This is the Message Centre for Josh the Genius


Post 1

Lawn Gnome [A.K.A. Math Atheist]

Hey. I just read your guide entry on Creationism. I just wanted you to know that I fully support you, and I am fighting this war on other fronts. smiley - smiley I was appalled at the rude critizism you're entry recieved from people who considered themselves clear-headed and objective. I would have posted an entry on the creationism vs. evolutionism thread, but that was alot of material to read. I'm behind you! smiley - smiley


Post 2

Josh the Genius

Actually, I found the critisism encouraging because there were few facts brought against me. Only rude whining. I believe that means I'm right.


Post 3


Hi Josh

I hope you don't mind me getting stuck into this debate too, I really want to see your giude entry published, as as the wealth of information generaly available, is so one sided, people just aren't given a information needed to make up thier minds. they are simply TOLD what to believe about this subject, I really think its apalling.

Anyway, just want you to know you have some support, but it is YOUR guide entry, and so primarily your fight, which means I don't want to start giving "unwelcome help". but you just say the word, and some practical info on the age of the earth will be with you in a jiffy.

yours to command

chuck, alias verona, alias stephen.

p.s. have some cakesmiley - cake

p.p.s If your visit [URL removed by moderator] you may find me in the cafe - including right now

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