This is the Message Centre for Jane Bane

HeY yo JaNe BaNe

Post 1

MaRcMeiSTeR (ACE) JeDi GuArDiAn EnEmY oF DarTH MaLeK

How is your fine self tonight?? Im also a student like yaselfsmiley - smiley Im studying Biology and Environmental at university in UKsmiley - smiley Aston to be precisesmiley - smiley

So what music you into?? Im guessin rock seein as you like NINsmiley - smiley

Anyway im 18,m,UK u??smiley - smiley

If you need any help with anythin i'll be more than happy to helpsmiley - smiley

If i'm not around there are many more <./>ACES</.> aroundsmiley - smiley

smiley - cheersMaRc

HeY yo JaNe BaNe

Post 2

Jane Bane

hi there
i'm 20 and i am indeed female as my name suggests,studying in new orleans, Louisiana, USA. musically i like most everything, except what they play on the radio, that is. next month i'm seeing Black Rebel motorcycle Club, yo La Tengo, Super Furry Animals and Grandaddy... this is why i live in new orleans. marilyn manson's playing here at voodoo fest,don't know when and i probably won't make it but maybe if i'm lucky...

HeY yo JaNe BaNe

Post 3

MaRcMeiSTeR (ACE) JeDi GuArDiAn EnEmY oF DarTH MaLeK

Manson was my 1st ever gig back in 98 on the antichrist superstar toursmiley - smiley Am seein him again in octobersmiley - smiley I've bin 2 loads of gigs the best bein KoRn last yearsmiley - smiley Some great gigs i've bin 2 are system of a down, soulfly, pantera, offspring, coal chamber,
Amen, Slipknot, Stone Sour, Murderdolls, Killswitch Engaged, CoF, 36 crazyfists, machine head, drowning pool, kittie, fear factory to name a fewsmiley - smiley

So what you up 2 at mosmiley - smiley

HeY yo JaNe BaNe

Post 4

Jane Bane

wow, you've certainly made the rounds... i think my first big concert was 311smiley - erm
i did see NIN on their fragility tour which was amazing and cool. god i miss them.
doing nothing at the moment. just signed up for my college radio dj timeslot and am about to go see a movie about birds. life is pretty tame.

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