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You got to see the beta band?

Post 1

Uncle Heavy [sic]

i didnt even know they even went to america! how cool is that, and more to the point how do you even know about them - america isnt known for its love of (relatively) small british bands...

You got to see the beta band?

Post 2

Jane Bane

yeah, everyone's pretty amazed that i've heard of them...
there's a movie called high fidelity that features the song Dry The Rain... much of my music knowledge comes from soundtracks and my ability to recognize damn good music when i hear it. there's also a minority of people here who listen to college radio stations and enjoy relatively small but musically great bands of all nationalities...
i was very happy they decided to come here. the show was pretty crowded too, don't know if the people just wandered in or if they were really into the band, probably some of both. there are lot of people here who are into decent music, but most stuff that is really commercially popular is...not great.

You got to see the beta band?

Post 3

Uncle Heavy [sic]

believe me, i know that most of popular music isnt worth the effort. this siad, there are a whole bunch of british bands bubbling under who im looking forward to get. if you can find it, try and find and read british music newspaper NME, cos it features these bands quite heavily
ive almost lost complete faith in american music...i only have system of a down and eels in my collection. actually i prolly have omse others but none i can remember off hand...

You got to see the beta band?

Post 4

Jane Bane

yeah, they are good. i've got them too. one of each only so far, though i'm set to grab up all the eels i can get...
hmm, can i recommend anything else worthy and american?
i'm a huge fan of nine inch nails, judge me as you will...
At the Drive-In is promising, i've heard a couple of their songs but don't have their album yet.
The Strokes are definitely good
i believe Moby is american... it's hard to know who's american and who may in fact be canadian.
there are some better-known bands i like that are still going, more or less... deftones, beck, stone temple pilots, tool,
311 sort of started the whole hip-hop/rock fusion thing but i think they're pretty good, they had a good sound. i think they may have released a new album recently but the world seems to have forgotten them.
i like counting crows too, they're playing jazzfest so maybe if i'm lucky i'll get to see them... i think they've yet to improve on their first album but...
this century hasn't done much for us.
i recently read that NME rated The Smiths above The Beatles and the Rolling Stones and even...gasp... madonna! i'll have to check that magazine out.

You got to see the beta band?

Post 5

Uncle Heavy [sic]

i dont have nay, i record nmy friends on MD...all the eels albums are ace, and i only heard SOADs latest one

nine inch naisl aint my thing

at the drive in were fun til they split. now they are in sparta and the mars volta. the latter ive heard, and tis cool if pretentious

ok, fair enough. the strokes. and the liars, who are like the strokes but so so much better

moby is good. deftones arent my thing, beck is my thing, stone temple pilots i dotn know of, and tool arent my thing either no smiley - tongueout

counting crows are too dadrock for me

NME did do that. i ahev that issue. considering i rate neither the ebatles nor the stones, i say the smiths *should* be top . you should check it out. its a bit rubish in parts (NSYNC are NOT good), but largely its full of really godo tips. its certainly increased my album collection...

i will, i promise, find you some good brit bands. when i sober up. tomorrow maybe. ask em and ill rememeber some smiley - winkeye

must dash now

You got to see the beta band?

Post 6

Jane Bane

god, what people will do to be shocking... NSYNC isn't even a band, it's a bunch of singing and dancing action figures...
stone temple pilots is tending towards a doors sound lately... on their 4th album the singer does a perfect impression of jim morrisson... really they're just pure rock... something that hardly exists anymore.

You got to see the beta band?

Post 7

Uncle Heavy [sic]

i agree. but this said its still a paper of greatness. so get it smiley - winkeye

right. brit bands i like include the cooper temple clause. and others which my memory still fails to dredge up

oh, the yeah yeah yeahs but theyre from NY. the strokes favourite band apparently. and the liars are similar...

You got to see the beta band?

Post 8

Jane Bane

the yeah yeah yeahs? i'd feel weird asking for them... but maybe i'lll just look quietly sometime

You got to see the beta band?

Post 9


Just noticed the title of this thread. I guees I'll see them in two months. Ok, I meant it when I said goodnight a moment ago. smiley - sleepy

smiley - winkeye

You got to see the beta band?

Post 10

Jane Bane

they put on a good show, you'll have fun...
i didn't get to plan that far ahead... i saw a poster on campus 2 days before the show and i had to scamper madly to find someone to go with... that was part of the fun, i guess.

You got to see the beta band?

Post 11

Uncle Heavy [sic]

smiley - wah i wanna see the beta band

ill have to console mysefl with powderfinger next month. oh, and my memories of belle and sebasian smiley - tongueout. sweet, sweet belle and sebastian smiley - tongueout

the yeah yeah yeahs are awesome...theres a track available to stream on the nme website somewhere...

You got to see the beta band?

Post 12


I *could* have seen Belle and Sebastian a few weeks ago, you know. But I didn't. smiley - wah

Just come to Roskilde. smiley - winkeye

smiley - tongueout

You got to see the beta band?

Post 13

Uncle Heavy [sic]

i would, but well, there are festivals in britain which have more bands i want to see...and plus everything wont be in danish or in danemark smiley - tongueout

You got to see the beta band?

Post 14

Jane Bane

i wonder if belle and sebastian will ever come to the states...
looks like i'm going to be seeing Super Furry Animals next

You got to see the beta band?

Post 15

Uncle Heavy [sic]

youve heard of eblle and sebastain as well? you are so fantastically well informed smiley - ok

the sfas are a band id like to get into, but dont have the cash...

lets im going to powderfinger...

You got to see the beta band?

Post 16

Jane Bane

the sad truth is, i owe a lot of my informedness to the influence of Columbia House... SFA, belle & sebastian, even NIN in fact... purchased Downward Spiral sometime in jr. high (early teens) as part of my membership requirements, on audio tape because it was cheaper... but people who are trying to selll you stuff are pretty good about hooking you up with stuff you'd like. then they charge top dollar for it. shipping too. oh well.

You got to see the beta band?

Post 17

Uncle Heavy [sic]

think of it this way: your poaying a premium for other people searching for music you would like which you wouldnt otherwise hear of. hell, id do that

You got to see the beta band?

Post 18

Jane Bane

true. my music collection really mushroomed when i joined up. but i've been music club free and sober for several years now. it was probably good for me in my developmental stages of music appreciation. now i listen to college radio...
sometimes i wonder whether new music really sucks or if i'm just getting old already. the radio's always on in drawing studio and i swear they play the same 10 songs over and over every single morning, and i just wish we could sit in silence. even coldplay is starting to wear out, and i like them. luckily the school year's over so no more of that.

You got to see the beta band?

Post 19


Yeah Yeah Yeahs... UH, did you notice that they'll be playing at Roskilde too? smiley - tongueout
Don't think I've ever heard about them before, but I usually take your recommendations as good advice. smiley - smiley

You got to see the beta band?

Post 20

Uncle Heavy [sic]

the yeah yeah yeahs ive only heard one song of. but its like the strokes with backbone, or the white stripes in tune. they should be worth watching. watch them smiley - ok

i just bought this cool CD: Mcluscky Do Dallas...which is part of a new UK movement of rawking nihilistic hedonists...and its ikara colt, the eighties matchbox b-line disaster, the cooper temple clause and hoggboy. all of whom are incredible check them out.

i cant afford this CD that i just bought...its worse than drugs!but better than sex in its own way smiley - winkeye

i never even listen to the radio. or, if you have digital radio, BBC 6, which you can prolly get over the net, is apparetnly arent getting old, its the charts getting rubbish

if you like coldplay you will like: the kings of convenience, starsailor, and TURIN BRAKES who are INCREDIBLE. nuff said.

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