This is the Message Centre for ahmemo
Raven Series 6- My Version.
ahmemo Started conversation Mar 12, 2008
Week 1:
Day 1:
Challenge 1:
Warriors gate
1st- Ramso 2nd- Kerud 3rd- Kenat 4th- Nisaq 5th- Lonas 6th- Galna
1st- Ramso- 9.3
2nd- Kerud- 9.2
3rd- Kenat- 9.1
=4th- Nisaq, Lonas, Galna- 9.0
Challenge 2:
Spiders Wood
Nisaq [1R], Kenat won, Kerud lost 1L
Galna [2R], Lonas [1R] won, Ramso lost 1L
1st- Galna- 9.2
=2nd- Kenat, Nisaq, Lonas- 9.1
3rd- Ramso- 8.3
4th- Kerud- 8.2
Challenge 3:
Dead Mans Vault
Galna, Kenat won 1R
1st- Galna- 9.3
2nd- Kenat- 9.2
=3rd-Nisaq, Lonas- 9.1
4th- Ramso- 8.3
5th- Kerud- 8.2
Challenge 4:
Water Demon
Kenat, Nisaq, Ramso lost 1L, Lonas, Galna, Kerud lost 1L
1st- Galna- 8.3
2nd- Kenat- 8.2
=3rd-Nisaq, Lonas- 8.1
4th- Ramso- 7.3
5th- Kerud- 7.2
Chalenge 5:
Long Staff-Kenat, Kerud, Nisaq won 1R, Others lost 1L
Kenat beat Galna
Nisaq beat Lonas
Kerud beat Ramso
1st- Kenat- 8.3
2nd- Nisaq- 8.2
=3rd- Galna, Kerud- 7.3
4th- Lonas- 7.1
5th- Ramso- 6.3
Next Time On Raven:
Can the warriors smash the gates in Batterin Ram?
Who will survive the glar of Nevars Eye?
Who will overpower their opponents in Ring Rack?
And who will face Way Of the Warrior?
Raven Series 6- My Version.
ahmemo Posted Mar 12, 2008
Week 1:
Day 2:
Challenge 1:
Battering Ram
Ramso, Kenat, Galna won 1R, Others lost 1L
1st- Kenat- 8.4
2nd- Galna- 7.4
3rd- Nisaq- 7.2
4th- Ramso- 6.4
5th- Kerud- 6.3
6th- Lonas- 6.1
Challenge 2:
Nevars Eye
Kerud beat Kenat [Kenat left the path]
Galna beat Nisaq [Nisaq left the path]
Lonas and Ramso [left the path]
1st- Galna- 7.5
2nd- Kenat- 7.4
3rd- Kerud- 6.4
4th- Nisaq- 6.2
5th- Ramso- 5.4
6th- Lonas- 5.1
Challenge 3:
Ring Rack
Kenat beat Galna
Kerud beat Nisaq
Ramso beat Lonas
1st- Kenat- 7.6
2nd- Kerud- 6.6
3rd- Galna- 6.5
4th- Ramso- 5.6
5th- Nisaq- 5.2
6th- Lonas- 4.1
Challenge 4:
Torture Chamber
Kenat [1R], Kerud [2R] won
1st- Kenat- 7.7
2nd- Kerud- 6.8
3rd- Galna- 6.5
4th- Ramso- 5.6
5th- Nisaq- 5.2
6th- Lonas- 4.1
Chalenge 5:
Way Of the Warrior
Lonas Failed Elimination: Swinging Gate
Next Time On Raven:
Can the warriors fly like raven in Zip Line?
Only their keen minds can offord them protection in Demon sqaure?
Who can make the leap in Leap Of Faith?
And who will face Way Of the Warrior?
Raven Series 6- My Version.
ahmemo Posted Mar 13, 2008
Week 1:
Day 3:
Challenge 1:
Zip Line
Kenat speared 2R
Kerud,Galna,Nisaq,Ramso speared 1R
Kenat,Kerud Won 1L back
1st- Kenat- 8.0
2nd- Kerud- 7.0
3rd- Galna- 6.6
4th- Ramso- 5.7
5th- Nisaq- 5.3
Challenge 2:
Demon Sqaure
All Won 2R
Ramso Won 1L back
1st- Kenat- 8.2
2nd- Kerud- 7.2
3rd- Galna- 6.8
4th- Ramso- 6.0
5th- Nisaq- 5.5
Challenge 3:
Dwarf Mine
Kenat,Kerud won 2R
1st- Kenat- 8.4
2nd- Kerud- 7.4
3rd- Galna- 6.8
4th- Ramso- 6.0
5th- Nisaq- 5.5
Challenge 4:
Leap Of Faith-All won 3R Except Kerud Who Justed Leaped,Galna won 1L back
1st- Kenat- 8.7
2nd- Kerud- 7.4
3rd- Galna- 7.2
4th- Ramso- 6.3
5th- Nisaq- 5.8
Chalenge 5:
Way Of the Warrior
Nisaq failed Elimination- A carousal of heavy boulders going round repededly
Next Time On Raven:
Can the warriors Douce the flames in Burning Battlements?
Which team can reach the high rings in Tower Build?
Who can cross through the awseome revine and steel the treasure in high Rope
And who will face Way Of the Warrior?
Raven Series 6- My Version.
ahmemo Posted Mar 13, 2008
Week 1:
Day 4:
Challenge 1:
Burning Battlements
Ramso took out 3 fires
Galna,Kerud took out 2 fires
kenat took out a fire
1st- Kenat- 8.8
2nd- Kerud- 7.6
3rd- Galna- 7.4
4th- Ramso- 6.6
Challenge 2:
Tower build
Kerud,Ramso won 1R
Kenat,Galna lost 1L
1st- Kenat- 7.8
2nd- Kerud- 7.7
3rd- Ramso- 6.7
4th- Galna- 6.4
Challenge 3:
Riddle Bridge
Kenat,Kerud won 1R
Kenat won 1L back
1st- Kenat- 8.0
2nd- Kerud- 7.8
3rd- Ramso- 6.7
4th- Galna- 6.4
Challenge 4:
High Rope- All lost 1L
1st- Kenat- 7.0
2nd- Kerud- 6.8
3rd- Ramso- 5.7
4th- Galna- 5.4
Chalenge 5:
Way Of the Warrior
Galna failed Elimination Spiked Barrel/Rope
Next Time On Raven:
Can the warriors cross the marshes in Battle Of The Boats?
Who can douce the flames in fire demon?
Who can survive the menace of the Blasted Mountain?
And who will make their Last Stand?
Raven Series 6- My Version.
ahmemo Posted Mar 14, 2008
Week 1:
Day 5:
Challenge 1:
Battle Of The Boats
Kerud came 1st
Ramso came 2nd
Kenat came last
Kerud won 1L back
1st- Kerud- 7.1
2nd- Kenat- 6.0
3rd- Ramso- 5.8
Challenge 2:
Fire Demon
Kerud,Ramso won 1R
Kenat lost 1L
Ramso won 1l back
1st- Kerud- 7.2
2nd- Ramso- 6.0
3rd- Kenat- 5.0
Challenge 3:
Serpents Eye
Kerud, Ramso missed the target lost 1l
Kenat hit the board won
1st- Kerud- 6.2
=2nd- Ramso,Kenat- 5.0
Challenge 4:
Blasted Mountain-Kenat won 1R, Others lost 1L
1st- Kerud- 5.2
2nd- Kenat- 5.1
3rd- Ramso- 4.0
Chalenge 5:
The Last Stand
Kerud went to the portal 1st
Kenat went to the portal 2nd
Ramso failed
Next Time On Raven:
Six new warrior come to do battle
Will the pass through the dreaded Spiders Wood?
Will they trick the lock in Dead mans Vault?
And they must plunge in the icy deph of the Deep Loch?
Raven Series 6- My Version.
ahmemo Posted Mar 18, 2008
Week 2:
Day 1:
Challenge 1:
Warriors gate
1st- Tonesh 2nd- Rohak 3rd-Haro 4th- Karna 5th- Branic 6th- Melka
1st- Tonesh- 9.3
2nd- Rohak- 9.2
3rd- Haro- 9.1
=4th- Karna, Branic, Melka- 9.0
Challenge 2:
Spiders Wood
Haro, Rohak won 1R, Karna lost 1L
Branic won 2R, Tonesh, Melka lost 1L
1st- Rohak- 9.3
=2nd- Haro, Branic- 9.2
3rd- Tonesh- 8.3
=4th- Karna, Melka- 8.0
Challenge 3:
Dead Mans Vault
Haro, Rohak won 1R
1st- Rohak- 9.4
2nd- Haro- 9.3
3rd- Branic- 9.2
4th- Tonesh- 8.3
=5th- Karna, Melka- 8.0
Challenge 4:
Tresure Ring
Branic Beat Karna
Tonesh Beat Haro
Melka beat Rohak
1st- Branic- 9.3
=2nd- Rohak, Tonesh- 8.4
3rd- Haro- 8.3
4th- Melka- 8.1
5th- Karna- 7.0
Chalenge 5:
Deep Loch- Same As The Original
1st- Branic- 9.5
2nd- Tonesh- 8.7
3rd- Rohak- 8.5
4th- Haro- 8.3
5th- Melka- 7.1
6th- Karna- 7.0
Next Time On Raven:
Can the warriors smash the gates in Battering Ram?
Who will overpower their opponents in Ring Rack?
Who will survive the glar of Nevars Eye?
And who will face Way Of the Warrior?
Raven Series 6- My Version.
ahmemo Posted Mar 18, 2008
Week 2:
Day 2:
Challenge 1:
Battering Ram
Haro, Branic, Karna won 1R, Others Lost 1L
1st- Branic- 9.6
2nd- Haro- 8.4
3rd- Tonesh- 7.7
4th- Rohak- 7.5
5th- Karna- 7.1
6th- Melka- 6.1
Challenge 2:
Ring Rack
Branic Beat Rohak
Tonesh Beat Melka
Haro Beat Karna
Tonesh won 1L back
1st- Branic- 9.8
2nd- Haro- 8.6
3rd- Tonesh- 8.0
4th- Rohak- 6.5
5th- Karna- 6.1
6th- Melka- 5.1
Challenge 3:
Nevars Eye
Rohak Beat Haro [haro left the path]
Tonesh Beat Karna [Karna left the path]
Branic & Melka lost 1L [Both left the path]
1st- Branic- 8.8
2nd- Tonesh- 8.1
3rd- Haro- 7.6
4th- Rohak- 6.6
5th- Karna- 5.1
6th- Melka- 4.1
Challenge 4:
Torture Chamber
Tonesh, Branic lost 1L
1st- Branic- 7.8
2nd- Haro- 7.6
3rd- Tonesh- 7.1
4th- Rohak- 6.6
5th- Karna- 5.1
6th- Melka- 4.1
Chalenge 5:
Way Of The Warrior
Melka Failed Elimination: Swinging Gate
Next Time On Raven:
Can the warriors out smart the wisdom tree in Demon sqaure?
Who can make the leap in Leap Of Faith?
And can anyone complete the Way of the Warrior?
Raven Series 6- My Version.
ahmemo Posted Mar 20, 2008
Week 2:
Day 3:
Challenge 1:
Zip Line
Haro speared 2R, Branic won 4R, Rohak lost 1L, Tonesh speared 1R, karna speared 3R
Branic won 1L back
1st- Branic- 8.3
2nd- Haro- 7.8
3rd- Tonesh- 7.2
4th- Rohak- 5.6
5th- Karna- 5.4
Challenge 2:
Dwarf Mine
Branic, Haro lost 1L
1st- Branic- 7.3
2nd- Tonesh- 7.2
3rd- Haro- 6.8
4th- Rohak- 5.6
5th- Karna- 5.4
Challenge 3:
Demon Sqaure
Tonesh lost 1L, Others won 1R
Haro won 1L back
1st- Branic- 7.4
2nd- Haro- 7.0
3rd- Tonesh- 6.2
4th- Rohak- 5.7
5th- Karna- 5.5
Challenge 4:
Leap Of Faith-Branic won 3R,Others 2R except Tonesh who justed leaped, Rohak won 1L back
1st- Branic- 7.7
2nd- Haro- 7.2
3rd- Tonesh- 6.2
4th- Rohak- 6.0
5th- Karna- 5.7
Chalenge 5:
Way Of The Warrior
Karna Failed Elimination: A carousal of heavy boulders that goes round repedly
Next Time On Raven:
Can the warriors Douce the flames in Burning Battlements?
Which team can reach the high rings in Tower Build?
Who can cross through the awseome revine and steel the treasure in high Rope
And who will face Way Of the Warrior?
Raven Series 6- My Version.
ahmemo Posted Mar 20, 2008
Week 2:
Day 4:
Challenge 1:
Burning battlements
Haro won 2R, Others 1R, Rohak lost 1L
1st- Branic- 7.8
2nd- Haro- 7.4
3rd- Tonesh- 6.3
4th- Rohak- 5.0
Challenge 2:
Tower build
Branic, Tonesh won 1R, others Lost 1L
Branic Won 1L Back
1st- Branic- 8.0
=2nd- Haro, Tonesh- 6.4
4th- Rohak- 4.0
Challenge 3:
Riddle Bridge
Haro, Rohak Won 1R, Others Lost 1L
1st- Branic- 7.0
2nd- Haro- 6.5
3rd-Tonesh- 5.4
4th- Rohak- 4.1
Challenge 4:
High Rope-Branic won 1R, Others Lost 1L
1st- Branic- 7.1
2nd- Haro- 5.5
3rd-Tonesh- 4.4
4th- Rohak- 3.1
Chalenge 5:
Way Of The Warrior
Rohak Failed Elimination: A carousal of heavy boulders that goes round repedly
Next Time On Raven:
Can Branic Hold Hid Nerve in Battle Of The Boats?
Will Haro Catch up?
And Though Tonesh i released 2nd from the Last Stand will she struggle?
Raven Series 6- My Version.
ahmemo Posted Mar 21, 2008
Week 2:
Day 5:
Challenge 1:
Battle Of the Boats
Branic came 1st
Tonesh came 2nd
Haro came last
1st- Branic- 7.3
=2nd- Haro,Tonesh- 4.5
Challenge 2:
Fire demon
All won 1R
1st- Branic- 7.4
=2nd- Haro,Tonesh- 4.6
Challenge 3:
Serpents Eye
Brannic hit the Eye won 1R
Haro hit the board won
Tonesh missed the target lost 1L
1st- Branic- 7.5
2nd- Haro- 4.6
3rd- Tonesh- 3.6
Challenge 4:
Blasted Mounatin-Tonesh won 1R, Others Lost 1L
1st- Branic- 6.5
2nd- Tonesh- 3.7
3rd- Haro- 3.6
Chalenge 5:
The Last Stand
Branic 1st to the portal
Tonesh 2nd to the poratl
Haro failed
Next Time On Raven:
Six new warrior come to do battle
will they ecape from the Water Demon?
and beat thier fellow warriors in Long Staff?
Raven Series 6- My Version.
ahmemo Posted Mar 24, 2008
Week 3:
Day 1:
Challenge 1:
Warriors gate
1st- Aken 2nd- Ilan 3rd- Nejad 4th- Lamil 5th- Tezan 6th- Fera
1st- Aken- 9.3
2nd- Ilan- 9.2
3rd- Nejad- 9.1
=4th- Lamil, Tezan, Fera- 9.0
Challenge 2:
Spiders Wood
Lamil, Tezan, Ilan won 2R
aken, Nejad won 2R, Fera lost 1L
1st- Aken- 9.5
2nd- Ilan- 9.4
3rd- Nejad- 9.3
=4th- Lamil, Tezan- 9.2
5th- Fera- 8.0
Challenge 3:
Dead Mans Vault
Aken, Ilan won 1R
1st- Aken- 9.6
2nd- Ilan- 9.5
3rd- Nejad- 9.3
=4th- Lamil, Tezan- 9.2
5th- Fera- 8.0
Challenge 4:
Water Demon
Aken, Nejad, Ilan won 1R, Others won 1R
1st- Aken- 9.7
2nd- Ilan- 9.5
3rd- Nejad- 9.4
=4th- Lamil, Tezan- 9.3
5th- Fera- 8.1
Chalenge 5:
Long Staff-Ilan, Lamil, Fera won 1R,Others Lost 1L
Ilan beat Aken
Fera beat Nejad
Lamil beat Tezan
1st- Ilan- 9.6
2nd- Lamil- 9.4
3rd- Aken- 8.7
4th- Nejad- 8.4
5th- Tezan- 8.3
5th- Fera- 8.2
Next Time On Raven:
Can the warriors smash the gates in Batterin Ram?
Who will survive the glar of Nevars Eye?
Who will overpower their opponents in Ring Rack?
And who will face Way Of the Warrior?
Key: Complain about this post
Raven Series 6- My Version.
- 1: ahmemo (Mar 12, 2008)
- 2: ahmemo (Mar 12, 2008)
- 3: ahmemo (Mar 13, 2008)
- 4: ahmemo (Mar 13, 2008)
- 5: ahmemo (Mar 14, 2008)
- 6: raven-kid (Mar 15, 2008)
- 7: ahmemo (Mar 15, 2008)
- 8: raven-kid (Mar 15, 2008)
- 9: ahmemo (Mar 18, 2008)
- 10: ahmemo (Mar 18, 2008)
- 11: ahmemo (Mar 20, 2008)
- 12: ahmemo (Mar 20, 2008)
- 13: raven-kid (Mar 20, 2008)
- 14: planehater/Ishalboy (Mar 20, 2008)
- 15: U11007755 (Mar 20, 2008)
- 16: ahmemo (Mar 21, 2008)
- 17: ahmemo (Mar 21, 2008)
- 18: ahmemo (Mar 23, 2008)
- 19: ahmemo (Mar 24, 2008)
- 20: ahmemo (Mar 24, 2008)
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