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Your name

Post 1


Would it be alright if I used your name (and linked to your page) in an article I'm writing about H2G2 nicknames and how it's difficult to know whether someone should be referred to as 'he' or 'she'? It probably won't get any further than the unseen depths of AWW, but it's not even going there until I have permission from everyone mentioned. Also could you please express your preferences for being 'he' or 'she'?
Your name has the word 'man' in it, so hopefully you would prefer to be called 'he'. That's pretty much all I want it for.

Your name

Post 2


hiya, smiley - smiley

er, yeah, sure. Fame at last! smiley - biggrin

the question never occurred to me, as it happens. I guess most people follow the same deductive logic as you have.

anyway, 'use' away. smiley - smiley


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