A Conversation for Lee Perry versus Jake Thackray

jake thackray

Post 1


I keep going on about releasing BBC archive material on Jake Thackray. BBC dont seem to realise what an immense following he has and a lot of people who admire him are young and never heard or saw him before. His guitar playing alone is superb and his words are fantastic. His latin pun in On again "a posteriori is genius. Joost had a section of the BBC4 programme but they have sadly had to take it off, probably because of pressure b y the BBC who wont do it themselves. I suppose the dreadful politically c orrect BBC dont like some of Jake's words in his songs but they are so funny and not meant to be taken seriously. I have all his CDs but would love to see that funny quirky face singing the songs. I listen and watch Youtube doing On Again and Sister Josephine every day, they used to do a video of Lah de Dah but that disappeared. Please BBC do release some of your video archives and dont stop otherr people doing it. Some of the junk we have to see nowadays is a big turnoff, bring back something we can all enjoy.

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jake thackray

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