This is the Message Centre for Ultimate_scie

What type of music do you like?

Post 1


I love indie music it is so great. I hope to go and watch the Killers or McFly in concert soon smiley - biggrin

What type of music do you like?

Post 2



Don't wory too much about not getting replies straight away. This isn't a normal chat room, there are areas to just chat in but alot of the areas are discussing subjects...arguing and genreally getting into a strop...which is fun.

You have only joined today...welcome...smiley - ok

You will get a message from an 'ACE' soon to say hello.

I suggest you lurk around and see what is going on and what areas there are...I still don't know everything that goes on around here. People may not like it if you throw in random posts onto some threads. There are a lot of good people here don't be put off if no-one replies for a bit...


What type of music do you like?

Post 3

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Hello and Welcome!!

I see you have been <./>ACE</.>'d by Aximilli. He will make sure you find your about the site. smiley - ok

lil xx
smiley - magic

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