This is the Message Centre for Siege


Post 1


It seems there was some confusion over the word "shelves". "Shelves" are things used for storing books. I had these fitted to my shoes which, thereafter, were "beshelved". I hope that's clear now. I may well upgrade my shoes by fitting them with a whole suite of matching furniture. Perhaps something in pine from IKEA: I do so love Sweden.


Post 2

Miss Gydney

I trust that you're not overly surprised by the paucity of replies to this entry. So, to spare any hurt feelings or undue pouting I will reply to it. You must have either very teeny, tiny books or godawfully big feet. Hmmmmmmm,wait a minute--you know what they say about the size of a man's feet? (I am assuming that with a name like Siege you're either a man or a lady wrestler.)But if you're the latter I would be very surprised if you owned any books at all, even the most teeny, tiny ones.


Post 3


Thank you for your prompt reply. 12 weeks can't be bad.

You pointed out that there was something of a dearth of responses to my article and attributed this to the utter worthlessness of the subject matter. With respect, however, I submit that you are in error. Your statement seems to be predicated on the notion that people on this h2g2-type-thang reply only to intelligent, pithy, sagacious or apposite entries. Wrong. The existence of two responses to my disastrous article about Bergerac utterly demolish your contention.

Furthermore the suggestion that I am a female wrestler has cut me to the quick. My doctor promised he would tell nobody about the operation.

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