This is the Message Centre for spook


Post 1


do u think i should post journals about me being orangefish, or should i just write it all up as articles for the post. i wonder...

smiley - orangefish


Post 2


Does the post really care?



Post 3


who cares if the post cares or not. i care, and in the end, isn't it just me who really matters???smiley - biggrinsmiley - smileysmiley - winkeye


Post 4


smiley - run


Post 5


smiley - runs after Tango!

smiley - santa


Post 6


*notices he's just come back, and that... er... santa (?) is probably miles away by now trying to catch me up*

Good trick that, eh? Doubling back on myself. I think I'll rest now.




Post 7


well, i guess there's no point me posting journal entries as orangefish now that i am santa. but that doesn't mean i can't catch u Tango!

*santa gets a present out of his sack, then opens it to reveal a super-powerful water gun.*

i hope you're ready to get wet!smiley - biggrin

smiley - santa


Post 8


*gets out the towel he always carries with him*

Do ya worst!!!



Post 9


*santa gets out flamethrower.*

give up, or i'll burn your towel!

smiley - santa


Post 10


you took a long time to get that flamethower, didn't you? In the last 6 days a lot has happened. For example, this entire area is now flooded so your flamethrower wont work very well.



Post 11


it also means your towel is wet and will not work properly when u use it to defend yourself.

*santa gets out brand new unwet towel.*

let's see who has the towel skills!smiley - biggrin

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