This is the Message Centre for KISMET


Post 1


Hi there Kismet, whaddya fink of it so far! smiley - smiley


Post 2


sorry i just noticed u sent me a msg,so thought id reply asap b4 u start to think am an ignorant pig,lol
erm well am not sure yet,theres alot of reading,i dont like that,and u cant really ave a propper conversation,i dont like that either,is there nething i do like i hear u cry..............NO,!!!!lol only jokin
still getting used 2 it my friend so ask me again n a few dayz,and ill tell u
hope ur doin away n we spk soon
take care


Post 3


So are you Kismet or Jason?!

I've been here 4 weeks, and I'm just begining to get the hang of it. I like the idea of writing articles and I'm desperate to get one in the edited guide, so I'm starting to look at the GuideML pages. As I'm not a programmer, I kinda resent that, but there you go. smiley - blue

If you check out my page you might find some links that help, if not then an Ace should be knocking on your door soon, they help you find your feet.

I'm off for a few days I think, cause writing articles and not getting much feedback gets too frustrating after a while, cause I am very impatient! So back to RL, keep it up mate! smiley - smiley

cheers matey

Post 4


am jason but my username is KISMET.,lol
how did you not get that cos surley ur not called kazzikins..lmao
neway ace chappy has spoken 2 me already,so am getting here,will check out ur page a little later bud,dont be getting off just cos u aint got no feedbaack mate,dont give up,well not let neway,:@)
hope ur doin alright
spk when u get bak,
tahe care buddy
kismet(aka jason).lol

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