This is the Message Centre for Researcher Cobalt Poet

Danger! Danger Will Robinson!

Post 1

Cheezdanish, Slacker Princess

Poet, are you having problems getting into FF.N? I've tried to go there using both IE and Netscape, and I'm told I can't view that page!!


I wanna play, and get ready to upload chapter 3! What the smeg is going on?!?!

What's the e-mail for support? Do you happen to have it handy?

Danger! Danger Will Robinson!

Post 2

Researcher Cobalt Poet

Ff.n is down probably at least until Friday. Blah. Something's wrong with their server. Again.

I finally wrote my first Red Dwarf fic and can't even upload the dang thing, so I definitely feel for ya.

Dang. Ff.n gits.

--Poet, not at all pleased with this ff.n Xing person :o(

Danger! Danger Will Robinson!

Post 3

Cheezdanish, Slacker Princess


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