A Conversation for lighthousegirl

Hi Lighthousegirl

Post 1

krahn the kaos kid Dark Disciple # 13

Hi have you met my dad coz I think you were at the
big london meet up.smiley - biggrin
by the way my dad is Bassman, and I'm Krahn a.k.a. kaos kid but the pc died so I could not continue.smiley - blue
SO now I'm now...

Krahnsmiley - cake

Hi Lighthousegirl

Post 2

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Well hello there smiley - biggrin

I certainly do know your dad - he is great isnt he smiley - smiley

I have chatted to him here a bit and yes have met him a couple of times.

Are you going to this London meet? If so I hope you will come over and get Bassman / The Minister to introduce us!

I like your name - Krahn the Kaos Kid is a really smiley - cool name!

* pours smiley - tea to go with the smiley - cake *

So whats been happening with you recently?

smiley - lighthouse

Dark Desciple #3smiley - lighthousesmiley - blackcat

Hi Lighthousegirl

Post 3

krahn the kaos kid Dark Disciple # 13

Not much just waiting to school to end on thursday and it is me birthday on sunday so I'm all egsited and stuff, I don't know what is planed for the meet up but I hope I'll gosmiley - biggrin

krahnsmiley - cake

Hi Lighthousegirl

Post 4

Lighthousegirl - back on board

How smiley - cool!

Do you have much planned for the holidays?

And an impending birthday smiley - wow

what are you hoping for?

Saw your Dad last weekend which was great smiley - smiley

smiley - lighthouse

Hi Lighthousegirl

Post 5

krahn the kaos kid Dark Disciple # 13

Nutin much, do you want to join me club though A795963 you can ether be a cousin ,sister or a maa the pick is yours it will be funny trust me.

Krahn,smiley - cake

Hi Lighthousegirl

Post 6

Lighthousegirl - back on board

smiley - cool

Will come over and join if I get time - a commodity that is sadly lacking for me at the moment smiley - sadface

Now then I think if I am not mistaken that today is the day to say


I hope you have had a fab day and are enjotying yourself. Did you get any smiley - cool pressies?

Hi Lighthousegirl

Post 7

krahn the kaos kid Dark Disciple # 13

smiley - smiley's all round It's been good went to manchester to see the commonwelth judo for 3 days it rocked. I got 4 autographs smiley - biggrin
from the girls but none from the bloaks smiley - blue but good time was had by all.

Krahnsmiley - monster

Hi Lighthousegirl

Post 8

Lighthousegirl - back on board


how smiley - cool was that!

Hi Lighthousegirl

Post 9

krahn the kaos kid Dark Disciple # 13

Verysmiley - cool

Krahnsmiley - cool

Hi Lighthousegirl

Post 10

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Hi there

what has been happening with you - have you been having fun?

smiley - lighthouse

Hi Lighthousegirl

Post 11

krahn the kaos kid Dark Disciple # 13

smiley - coolsmiley - lighthouse smiley been on holiday to deepest darkest Wales and had a very good time.


Hi Lighthousegirl

Post 12

Lighthousegirl - back on board

The smiley - lighthouse rocks doesent it!

I like Wales - great place!

What did you get up to there?

smiley - lighthouse

Hi Lighthousegirl

Post 13

krahn the kaos kid Dark Disciple # 13

I went to a rabbit farm

and a caveish place

and portmaryon if that is how you spell it...

Krahnsmiley - biggrin

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