This is the Message Centre for fords - number 1 all over heaven

Cheeky basturts

Post 1

fords - number 1 all over heaven

I recently handed in my ACE and Sub Editor badges because these days I'm just too busy with other things to keep up with the schemes. I was a bit miffed though at the fact I was unsubscribed from the Aceforum and my badge was taken off my space at super speed, then Natalie posts a message to the Aceforum thanking me for all my hard work.

Well thank you very much, Italics - you valued my two and a half years of hard work so much that you posted a message to me after you'd taken me off the ACE scheme? Thanks for that - it's nice to know you're appreciated smiley - cross

Cheeky basturts

Post 2

I'm not really here

I have to admit Abi and I had done that in the past. smiley - blush It's not deliberate, it's just trying to make sure everything gets done, and doing it in the wrong order. smiley - hug

Cheeky basturts

Post 3

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Remember when I took time off from ACEing a couple of years ago? I unsubscribed myself from the Aceforum and I know for a fact there are a few ex ACEs who are still subscribed. It just feels like a slap on the face, getting chucked out before a message is posted thanking me for my hard work.

Cheeky basturts

Post 4

I'm not really here

We also used to find that ACEs would be subscribed with a different email address to the one they used on h2g2 - which meant we couldn't find them to kick them out. Asking never seemed to get any answer, which makes me think that they were deliberately staying quiet to not have to do any work, but still get all the inside gossip.

If it's any consolation, I got kicked out superfast as well. smiley - hug

Cheeky basturts

Post 5

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Fair enough, but I do use the same email address.

Ach, it's just not worth it.

Cheeky basturts

Post 6


There is also the famous Yahoo time displacement vortex to consider. The moment you hit the post button to anything going to a Yahoo group, it can be anywhere between seconds and months before it makes it through to the other end of the journey!

Cheeky basturts

Post 7

fords - number 1 all over heaven

True, but it seems that as soon as they got my email they swiped the badges off my PS and posted the message. It's not very polite, in my opinion.

Cheeky basturts

Post 8


Yes... but they only did what you asked them to do. And you did get a nice reply from Natalie. Well I assume you got it - that Yahoo displacement vortex all over again smiley - yikes

Cheeky basturts

Post 9

fords - number 1 all over heaven

That's my point - I didn't.

A couple of years ago I took a sabbatical as an ACE. My badge was taken off my space (which is fine) but I unsubscribed myself to the scheme. When I left the Gurus and the Scouts I unsubbed myself. I unsubbed myself from the Sub Editors too...

Cheeky basturts

Post 10


shshsh smiley - hug *pats fords on the sholder*
you shouldnt worie about it. least it shows they were listening to what you said, bout leving.

Cheeky basturts

Post 11

fords - number 1 all over heaven

True smiley - erm

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