This is the Message Centre for fords - number 1 all over heaven

What the...

Post 1

fords - number 1 all over heaven

I just tried to update my user space and some weird stuff just happened...

Seeing as the help pages are as useful as a chocolate teapot, can anyone advise me on two things:

1) Why am I being pre-moderated? It's news to me!
2) Where have all my message centre messages gone?

smiley - headhurts

What the...

Post 2

I'm not really here

I *think* but am not sure that there is a bug that seems to be randomly pre-modding updated Personal Spaces.

But it all seems to be back now. Are you sure you didn't burst into some ripe old swearing?

What the...

Post 3

I'm not really here

Or it was affecting a few people last night and was a completely differnet and new bug - F19585?thread=5889310

What the...

Post 4

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

yeah, the system's all screwey. trying to update your PS is a bit like russian roulette at the moment.

smiley - cheers

What the...

Post 5

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Ah that's okay then. It's not just me! smiley - biggrin

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