This is the Message Centre for fords - number 1 all over heaven

Who's yer daddy (or mummy as it may be, but daddy sounds so much cooler!)?

Post 1

fords - number 1 all over heaven

It took about an hour and a half (to include EV's frantic hacksawing of an MDF panel to accommodate two hoses), but after a couple of false starts and myself getting a soaking, I finally got the washing machine plumbed in. I'm so pleased with myself! I feel really clever and everything! smiley - biggrinsmiley - bubbly

(But yeah alright, it does help that my grandad was a washing machine engineer and I used to go out on calls with him smiley - winkeye)

Who's yer daddy (or mummy as it may be, but daddy sounds so much cooler!)?

Post 2


So it's genetic then?

Who's yer daddy (or mummy as it may be, but daddy sounds so much cooler!)?

Post 3



Who's yer daddy (or mummy as it may be, but daddy sounds so much cooler!)?

Post 4

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

ooooh, clever girl eh... smiley - hug

takes me all my time to turn ours on, let alone plumb one in... smiley - laugh

Who's yer daddy (or mummy as it may be, but daddy sounds so much cooler!)?

Post 5

Zak T Duck

Good thing I've got your mobile number, I know who to call out now for when I finally get my own place in the (hopefully) not too distant future. smiley - winkeye

Oh yeah there'll be a few drinks in it for you smiley - ale

Who's yer daddy (or mummy as it may be, but daddy sounds so much cooler!)?

Post 6

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Drink? smiley - bigeyes

Who's yer daddy (or mummy as it may be, but daddy sounds so much cooler!)?

Post 7



Who's yer daddy (or mummy as it may be, but daddy sounds so much cooler!)?

Post 8

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Ho yus! smiley - biggrin

Who's yer daddy (or mummy as it may be, but daddy sounds so much cooler!)?

Post 9

A Super Furry Animal


I've spent an afternoon coving, me. smiley - biggrin

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Who's yer daddy (or mummy as it may be, but daddy sounds so much cooler!)?

Post 10

Zak T Duck


Had fun Freddy?
My afternoon was spent installing Windows Mobile 2003 upgrade on my Ipaq, and backing up about 8Gig of stuff to DVD that I'd downloaded over the past couple of months smiley - smiley

Feckin' girls arse!

smiley - bigeyes

Who's yer daddy (or mummy as it may be, but daddy sounds so much cooler!)?

Post 11

A Super Furry Animal

Drink! Knickers!

I wouldn't exactly call coving "satisfying", but there's a Meaning Of Liff word (that escapes me right now) that has something to do with the smug, self-satisfied feeling of well-completed DIY (and if there isn't there damn well should be! smiley - winkeye).

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Who's yer daddy (or mummy as it may be, but daddy sounds so much cooler!)?

Post 12

Zak T Duck

You don't mean Skellow do you?

SKELLOW (adj.)

Descriptive of the satisfaction experienced when looking at a really good dry-stone wall.

Who's yer daddy (or mummy as it may be, but daddy sounds so much cooler!)?

Post 13

A Super Furry Animal

Yes, I think that's the one. Anyway, I drystonewalled the utitlity room today! smiley - biggrin And then felt skellow (who didn't seem to, that's another joke, isn't it?)

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Who's yer daddy (or mummy as it may be, but daddy sounds so much cooler!)?

Post 14

Zak T Duck


Who's yer daddy (or mummy as it may be, but daddy sounds so much cooler!)?

Post 15

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Skellow, hmmmm. Skellow. Yep, that'll do smiley - biggrin

Who's yer daddy (or mummy as it may be, but daddy sounds so much cooler!)?

Post 16

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Someone say 'knickers'?
Someone say 'arse'?
Someone say drink'?

Ahh my kind of conversation

*stands back from conversation and admires stone cladding with a smug inner feeling at a post well made* smiley - evilgrin

Actually I've a heck of lot of stuff to do around this house, so I should get a lot of that DIY feeling some point.

Let me c....
1. hang bathroom door
2 hang landing cupboard door
3. fit handles and stuff to doors tha tI've hung.
3. empty spare room.
4. paint spare room
5. remove skirting boards from spare room
5. sand down floor in spare room.
hang new door in spare room, remove fitted wardrobe doro and replace with pull down blind thinggy,
replace skirting with plain stained wood skirting.
Move on and repeat with middle sized room....
put down new floor in utality room, remove c**p from cupboard in utality room, shelf area.
put down new floor in bottom hall.
get all the windows replaced.
do somethign with the front room smiley - erm anyone here any good an interiour design? I need ideas for the front room end of things smiley - doh

*stands back with a feleing of skello

Who's yer daddy (or mummy as it may be, but daddy sounds so much cooler!)?

Post 17

fords - number 1 all over heaven

What's your front room like just now and do you have any ideas at all? smiley - smiley

Who's yer daddy (or mummy as it may be, but daddy sounds so much cooler!)?

Post 18


We-ell. My son wanted his room done with a chinese theme and was clear that the colours were to be black, red and gold. His walls are black up to the (is it a dado rail halfway up the wall?) and red above that. The woodwork is gold. I have taken a picture of a dragon from the internet and painted this using black, gold and white paint (on the red background). He's well, badly pleased with it, innit?

Who's yer daddy (or mummy as it may be, but daddy sounds so much cooler!)?

Post 19

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

At the moment the front room is a mess smiley - biggrin just bits and bos bobs of furnature as I've gotten them with no real theme.

The door is on the back wall, to one side of the door along the wall are four wooden self assembly shelving thigns with CDs Tapes and other c**0 on them, directly ahead from that back wall, where the front wall is, is situeated a long large desk with PC monitor scanner and such like on it; next to that, and entirely covering the wall in conjunction with the desk is a unit thing that matchs the desk, which is full of computer disks laptops scanners cables diskc bits of hi fi euipment speakers and all kinds of rubbish smiley - biggrin on the two side walls:
the left hand wall, (left as you just walked in through the door in the back wall), is a radiator in front of which is a long sofa bed metal framed thing which is getting a bit passed it now, to the side of that is a guitar in a stand with cables in front of it, then you are at the front wall and there is the unit thing with all the computer electrical rubbish on it, the other side of the sofa thing is the door to the kitchen with is pretty much right in the corner, so you have the shelves on the back wall to the left of you as you walk thorugh that door.
The wall opposite the sofa has a metal shelf thing on wheels which has the hi fi on above which is a shelve which has a sheeps skull, homer simpson a beer mat, a knacked wooden statue fo a woman, several bulls and some other pieces of rubbish, where that wall ends towards the back of the room, is a kind of alcove bit which has a table like a dining table and chairs in it, and a radiator on the wall too smiley - erm and also in the room is a small table with a large gold fish bowl type thing on it which has a bit plant in it, and a table next to the sofa with all my c**0 on it, ash tray water coffee mug, tea mug, hot choc mug nail files, moisturisor, wet whipes, coffee mat, alarm closk, corkscrew etc smiley - erm Walls are magnolia smiley - yuk skirting and ceiling is white, carpet is horrid, doors I want to replace with plane wooden, I like wood; upstairs have wooden floors, but I'd like a carpet in front room though smiley - erm

Who's yer daddy (or mummy as it may be, but daddy sounds so much cooler!)?

Post 20

fords - number 1 all over heaven

I think the room sounds great, Vesty! smiley - erm

2legs - you seriously need to think about reducing your clutter! If you like wood, if your floorboards are in a good condition you could sand them and varnish them and get a huge rug. If not, laminate flooring is just as nice smiley - smiley

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