This is the Message Centre for Man of Legend

Hello Fellow Engineer

Post 1

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

Hey smiley - smiley

I work for a civil engineers company in Swindon and Im basically a gopher smiley - sadface

Just thought Id say hello whilst passing through your space I hope you dont mind smiley - smiley

Leanne x

Hello Fellow Engineer

Post 2

Man of Legend

well would you credit it. civil engineering in swindon, i thought they would have laughed them all out of town after that roundabout incident.
it's very nice to hear from other people on the guide. i hope you checked out the plethora of articles that i have written, one of them should be in the approved guide soon (after heavy editing).
cool, i'm of to do some thing that involves lifting, probably.

Hello Fellow Engineer

Post 3

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

No I havent checked out your guide entries yet but I will do smiley - smiley

Swindons full of roundabouts and traffic lights and one way roads smiley - sadface

Hello Fellow Engineer

Post 4

Man of Legend


traffic calming, doesn't make me calm, nuff said.

my entry is now in the edited guide (WWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Hello Fellow Engineer

Post 5

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

CONGRATULATIONS smiley - biggrin

Hello Fellow Engineer

Post 6

Man of Legend


you have the greatest collection of smillies i've ever see

Hello Fellow Engineer

Post 7

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

Im a very smiley person smiley - biggrin Ive just read your guide entry its really good well done smiley - hug

Hello Fellow Engineer

Post 8


Swindon wasn't that full of traffic lights when I lived there. Yes there were a few but less than your average town that size. Roundabouts are a different story though.

Hello Fellow Engineer

Post 9

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

Theres not that many I guess, its just normally me who gets stuck at them smiley - sadface Roundabouts are a different matter, there everywhere smiley - bigeyes

So when was you last in Swindon?

Hello Fellow Engineer

Post 10


I worked there for a couple of years and then left for the bright lights in the big smoke and have been here since (3 years ago).

Hello Fellow Engineer

Post 11

Sidney Kidney, AKA Gruby Ben, friend of Dirty Den

Last Tuesday...

No honest, I was! smiley - cool

Hello Fellow Engineer

Post 12


I guess I was in Swindon a couple of weeks back as the trains between London and Bristol stop there. Didn't get out and see any of the people I know there though or pick up the push bike...

Hello Fellow Engineer

Post 13

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

Hey Sidney Kidney smiley - smiley So what brought you down to Swindon?

I hope to get out of here soon enough smiley - sadface everyone I know leaves as soon as they get the chance.

Hello Fellow Engineer

Post 14

Sidney Kidney, AKA Gruby Ben, friend of Dirty Den

Well it was up and across really, as I live in Somerset.

I was in the roundabout capital of the world surveying two buildings.

I think the Swindons town planners must of been suffering from Altzimers, either that, or the only technical drawing instrument they could find when laying out your streets was to draw around the bottom of their coffee cups!! smiley - ok

Calne in Wiltshire is going the same way. Maybe it's twinned?

Hello Fellow Engineer

Post 15

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

Yeah sounds about right smiley - biggrin

I work in the design office for a civil engineers company and I have to do the reports and crappy jobs like that smiley - sadface Im not allowd to get my hands on designing and layouts yet unless I go to college but stuff that I dont want to be an engineer Im getting some experience and getting out of this place as soon as I can smiley - winkeye

Hello Fellow Engineer

Post 16

Sidney Kidney, AKA Gruby Ben, friend of Dirty Den

Ahh! a girl with real vision I seesmiley - winkeye

I have a mate who calls himself a civil engineer, but does nothing more than draw the layout for underground waste water managment! Drains!!!!

Not quite like how he imagined it would I know...

So, it you had the choice, what would you like to be doing?

Hello Fellow Engineer

Post 17

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

Anything aslong as I make millions smiley - bigeyes

Hello Fellow Engineer

Post 18

Man of Legend

the life of an enigneer is not that bad. you get to sit around all day talking techy gobs***e, moaning how management and business people tend to cock everything up and getting severly underappreacated in the process.

oh yeah, and you look at dilbert and realise how sad you are when a cartoon is completely accurate about your life.

who'd be an engineer

Hello Fellow Engineer

Post 19

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

smiley - sadface NOT ME!!

Good morning everyone smiley - smiley

Hope you all had a great weekend and managed to get rid of those hangover smiley - drunk

Love Leanne

Hello Fellow Engineer

Post 20

Man of Legend

hmmn, hangovers, chance'd be a fine thing.

i recommend the film pitch black. me and my mate went to see it last night and i had to peel the poor guy of the roof he was that scared.

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