This is the Message Centre for Man of Legend

Hi there MOL

Post 21

Man of Legend

Hey Carol

It's good to hear from you, I think we're both guilty of not replying. I would only reply at about the same time anyway, so it all works out!

It sounds like you need this week off, I didn't think the hours a chef keeps would be very sociable, but not getting time to read. I hope you enjoy your job, or they're paying you a lot of money, or even better both!

Talking of free time, I absolutely loved the States, and seeing as you are a captive audience, you’re going to get a complete run down!

When we flew over there Hurricane Frances was just about to rip its merry way through Florida, but our flights took us to Washington first so we still flew to Washington and our flights to Florida were re-arranged for Monday (this was on the Saturday), so we ended up seeing DC on Sunday, which was a nice bonus. In DC we took a 'Trolley Tour', which lasted about 2 hours and took you all over the place. We saw the White House, Capitol building, the FBI and loads more.

After we got to where we were staying, which was a villa in Kissimmee (just south of Orlando), we found that the master bedroom was in a bit of state, as the roof had been ripped off and the rain had got above the ceiling and ruined that, so it meant I slept on the couch for the first week (and second as it happened, as it was more comfortable than the beds I should have been in!). We also found out that we might get another Hurricane while we were there, this was Ivan and it looked like the nail in the coffin at one point, but it swung out west and hit Alabama instead, which was good for us. So then we made our plans to hit the parks and shop till we drop!

The first Park we went to was Disney's Magic Kingdom and Epcot centre. The first thing we noticed was the lack of people; we put this down to the Hurricane's scaring people off. The second thing was Cinderella's Castle, which I defy anybody not to feel about 8 years old when they see it! We had a tour round and went on all the 'coasters like the rocky mountain railroad, space mountain (coaster in the dark), however I avoided the small world ride, which would have put an annoying song in my head! We also saw the parades, one in the day and one at night, plus the fireworks show at night, which is absolutely peerless in this country.
In the Epcot centre we went on the Mission: Space ride, which was the most awesome simulator I think I will ever go on, plus Spaceship Earth that takes you inside the giant silver ball, which I remember vividly from all those Disney time shows they had when we were kids!

On the Friday we went to Universal Studios and Universal Islands of Adventure. Universal Studios is mainly 3D/4D shows, including Terminator 2 and my sister’s favourite Shrek 4D. Me and my Mom fulfilled a lifetime ambition by going on the Back to the future ride and having our photo's taken with the DeLorian car. There new attraction there was The Mummy ride, it was the most we had to queue for at 45mins, but it kicked bottom, it was part coaster part self-soiling inducing show!
Islands of Adventure was mostly based around the Marvel characters, with the Hulk coaster, which took you about half way up the ramp to the decent and then just shot you up it and round the rest of the ride, this was a big favourite! There was also the Spiderman ride that was in a little car thing on tracks, which bumped you around, and you wore the 3D glasses. Again another favourite.

For the Saturday we went to Blizzard Beach water park, which is part of Disney, this was also a really good day out with all the water slides and so on, but my back gave me a telling off for going down on my front, so I had to go and sit in the wave pool.

We visited Disney’s Animal Kingdom and MGM Studios on the Sunday. Animal Kingdom included animal walk-throughs and Safari’s, which we got to see Hippos, Crocs, Giraffes, Elephants and the such like, which was really cool.
In the afternoon we got to MGM studios, which again had classics like the Indiana Jones show and the Tower of Terror (a free fall lift ride), plus the Rock ‘n’ Rollercoaster, which went from 0-60 in 2.8 seconds, even my short hair was ruffled after than one! My dad was in heaven on the Star Tours ride (based on Star Wars) and we had a good laugh at the Muppets 3D show. While walking around I noticed a familiar face peaking out from what looked like the front of a cinema. It was none other than Mickey Mouse in full fantasia costume. My face lighted up like a Christmas tree, and we went and had our photos taken, however I chickened out of giving him a hug, but shook hands instead. The night was rounded off with the Fantasmic show, which had hair standing on end and my Mom in tears!

On the second Tuesday, we went to Seaworld. They had Dolphin and Killer Whale shows, where we wisely sat on the upper tiers of the stands to avoid the soaking that was being dished out to those at the front. Although after the log flume ride they have there, me and my Dad could not have got any wetter, after the first drop I had a pond in my lap! Me and my Parents also went to the Budweiser Beer School (Seaworld is owned by Budweiser) and excelled in tasting Beer, I guess I’m naturally gifted at that!

We took a trip to Tampa on the Thursday down to Busch Gardens (also owned by Budweiser), which we had heard some less than positive things about, basically because it was supposed to be quite expensive and an hour to get there. However they had a safari, which you had to pay for and I thought it would be a run around in truck like Animal Kingdom. I was wrong; you actually go out and feed the animals. This resulted in some good pictures including me getting accosted by a giraffe’s tongue, which you can take from me is very long and like a leather bag! They also had a couple of cracking coasters, Mutu was a feet dangler and had lots of little sharp turns and flips, and Gwazi was an old fashioned wooden coaster that shook the life out of you.

That was the parks, for the rest of the time we decided to see how much of Florida we could buy, I took it upon myself to buy an entire new wardrobe of clothes. I went with a suitcase weighing 15kg and came back with it weighing 30kg, although I told my sister this was to do with the massive Shrek doll her boyfriend had bought for her and I had to take home! My best buys included a set of Mickey furry dice for the car, plus leather driving gloves, for which I have received some jibes but they are well cool and make you a better driver! We also stuffed our selves stupid at the buffet restaurants, where I must have set new records for ingesting Dr Pepper.

As you have probably guessed I thought it was a top holiday and has made my mind up that I am never going to the Costa del Drunken Idiots (Spain or Spanish Islands) ever again. Next on the list is a fly drive, either in the North East, New York etc, or West Coast, San Francisco etc. but that is a couple of years away 

I hope I haven’t bored you; there is the 8 hours of video my dad took and 2 photo albums full if you’re feeling masochistic! Just thinking about it brings a smile to my face.

Other than that since I’ve been back I’ve been working and been back at Karate. I managed to become the most hated man at Clifton school in Rotherham by getting the boiler to run and therefore making sure the kids had heating, thankfully they didn’t find out, otherwise I’d fear for my life! I should be taking my Black belt grading in December, so I’ll keep you posted on how that goes.

Anyway I've been at this reply 2 hours, and I want to go and read the new Pratchett book I've started, Thief of Time. It apparantly includes Ronnie the fifth horseman of the apocalypse, who left before they got famous!

So hopefully hear from you soon and have a good week off.


Hi there MOL

Post 22


Hi Danny, how are you?
Well I hope?
I am well at the moment.
I had a good holiday and had a good rest, I felt much better for it!
Well whats been happening????
I`m getting another car, will be collecting it at the weekend hopefully.
I decided to get a Citroen in the end, I can`t wait... I got the insurance sorted out, only had to pay a small amount to adjust my current policy, am so excited lol al and nervous too. I`ll be the one driving about 10 mph, til i get used to it.
I`ll not go on about it too much but i`ll let you know when i`ve got it . So that if you see a mad woman man driving a c3 about sheffield doing 10mph you will know it`s me smiley - rofl.
Work is going ok for me now, starting to plan things for xmas, smiley - yikes not long to go now.
I went to Meadowhall last week and started the present hunting lol.
The highlight of my week was going to see Bryan Adams on sunday night at the Arena. It was fab and I really enjoyed it! Was abit deaf yesterday though smiley - biggrin
Have you been to any concerts lately... or to the flicks?
There are a few things out over the next few months that I would not mind going to see.
Thunderbderbirds film is out on DVD next month so i`ll be getting that for my friends son for Xmas. Mind you all he seems to go on about lately is Scooby Doo....
Am glad you enjoyed your holiday in the USA,it sounds ds as though you had the time of your life over there.
Well i`ll leave it here for now.
Hope to hear from you soon
Take care

Hi there MOL

Post 23

Man of Legend

Hey Carol,

A couple of weeks back from holiday and reality bites back, it's damn cold and work keep making me go to Leicester. It's a place I didn't really have an opinion about a couple of weeks ago, but now I can't stand the place! Get up at 7am and get home at 8pm, I end up not eating, plus try and find a petrol station there. I've never know a city so devoid of places to fuel a car, you have to drive round for 1/2 an hour to find one. Anyway end of moan, maybe... smiley - winkeye

Glad to hear you enjoyed your time off, I'm thinking about my next week off, should be late November or early December, it depends on when projects finish at work. My parents also went to see Bryan Adams last week, they enjoyed it as well, it sounded like a really good night.

MMMMM, new car smell! nice to see you've sorted one out. I hope it gives you many hours of motoring pleasure.You'll have to tell me what it's like and i'll keep my wits about me if your planning on driving that slow!!!

Ahh the C word, and I mean Christmas! I love christmas, which despite rumours is not just because of xmas pud and the gut-busting amount of choclate we get. It's also because of the amount of alcohol I can consume! Seriously though it usually means quite a busy time as, like most blokes, I tend to leave the shopping till about the middle of December. Plus I have my birthday on the 22nd and the company party on the 23rd. It'll be a bit wierd though this year cos my sister's on an early shift (she's a nurse), so no presents till about 5pm this year. I'm wondering if I can use that as an excuse to stay in bed until 4-ish!

As for the flicks and stuff, I went to see Hero a couple of weeks ago. It was a top film, If you've not seen it advertised, or even seen it, it's a Chop-socky (or Wuxia as I think it's known) with awesome visuals. It's all divided into colour coded flashbacks and with the fight scenes it's jaw dropping. I'm not sure what I want to see next, maybe The Incredibles the new Disney/Pixar effort, I usually enjoy those films, although i've yet to see Finding Nemo. I'm a bit out of touch to be honest, what are you looking forward to? As for concerts, I've not been to one for ages, but i've booked to go and see The Darkness at the arena in December, so I've got to get my falsetto voice into tune for that night!

Anyway, I'm going to get prepared for a drink tonight, I know there's about 4 hours to go, but you can't rush these things!

Speak to you soon


Hi there MOL

Post 24


Hi There Danny, and how are you?
I trust that you are well.

Am ok, all is going well. Starting to get things ready for xmas at work, plans are coming along nicely. Work is good at the moment, cant complain.
The car is great, no problems and am plodding along nicely and travelling at more than 10mph smiley - smiley
How is work?
Am on holidays soon yippee!!, but have got a busy week planned, getting things ready for xmas. Am hoping to finish the shopping and get it all wrapped,tagged and bagged.
Not be long now til your birthday. Plus you will be going to see The Darkness soon, I have heard on Hallam Fm about the darkness, the radio station was giving away tickets to see them. All ppl had to do was do an impersonation of Justin.
Am working christmas this yearsmiley - wah. But I love christmas, not that fussed about new year.
So i`ll be going to my mum`s after work over christmas. Am looking forward to it. Made my christmas cake today for work. Got my own baking to do soon, for friends and family....
You heard anything from IV lately?
I went to see the new Bridget Jones film the other day, and have seen a trailer for the Incredibles. I throughly enjoyed the BJ film, even if it was just to see Colin Firth smiley - winkeye.
No plans in the near future for the cinema, got too much to do for christmas.
Hows the karate going?
Well i`ll leave this post for now, hope to hear from you soon.
take care

Hi there MOL

Post 25

Man of Legend

Hi Carol,

Glad to hear you're well, keeping busy and enjoying yourself. I'm very good as it goes, I'm getting to feel more and more like my old self with every passing week (the drunken version of why appears in my journal).

After putting it off for 2 weeks because of work commitments I'm off next week, so i'm gonna do my xmas shopping then. I'm taking my Mom to Meadowhall on Monday, I'll let her choose some slippers. She's quite easy to please, although that wont be all I get her! I'll probably potter around a bit, get the car serviced and rest up as I should be taking my Black Belt grading very shortly. I'm hoping it will be next weekend, I'm sure I'll post a full run down at somepoint!

Work are deciding to increase my package, a company car and phone should be coming my way shortly. I can't wait for the car, I might be driving my boss's Mini Cooper S for a few months before getting my own car outright. On the down side the fuel bill will be massive and I could well die trying to drive it, on the up side it's a mini cooper s and not even a sledgehammer will be able to wipe the smile from my face!

It was last night I went to see the Darkness, they were awesome. I can't remember being more entertained at a gig. They played most of the first album, some new stuff and the christmas single. We practically spent the whole gig clapping, swaying and singing in that ridiculously high pitch that sends dogs mental. They used old glam tricks like guitar-machine gun-pyro and a new one of riding a stuffed snow leopard, suspended, across the front of the stage.

I love home-made Christmas cake, my dad usually makes one, it takes all of January to eat it tho, but it wouldn't be a proper cake if it didn't! I've never had to work xmas day, but when I worked for the 'Purple' company I worked xmas eve and boxing day. I can't remember working New Year, but like you I can't say as it would have bothered me much, because I find new year pointless as it's completely arbitrary.

I've not spoke to IV for ages now, even tho she's back around after her PC died. I think I'll try and send her a message this week and see how she's going.

Anyway enough daft stories, hope to hear from you soon.

Take care


Hi there MOL

Post 26

Man of Legend

Hi Carol,

Just a quick post to let you know I passed my Black Belt!

I can't ever remember having as many bruises as I do now, but I couldn't care less!

Speak soon,


Hi there MOL

Post 27


Hi Danny, am sorry again for the delay in reply. Not really been on here much lately and when i hvae i have been reading the back log of conversations.
How are you? How was xmas and new year???
Am ok myself and am busy with work as always....My christmas was good even though i had to work smiley - sadface and new year was a blast.
Hows work, have you managed to get the mini you were chatting about??
It`s cold out today, they reckon were going to have snow tonight.... i hate driving in it... but love it when i know i dont have to go out when its snowing.
I went to see Oceans Twelve when it was released,, i personally did not reckon much to it although it was worth it i suppose just to see George Clooney and Brad Pitt. I thought the 1st was much better. Have you seen it?
I`m thinking of going to the pictures next week when i`m on hols... Might go n see meet the fockers , which i have heard good things about.
Have been trying to catch up on some of my reading, I have been struggling to read this book for a few months now, but i have less than 100 pages to go... then i can try and get a few of my new ones read...
Have not been to any concerts recently but I enjoyed watching the brit awards...
Well I hope all is well and life is treating you kind.
take care
speak soon

Hi there MOL

Post 28


Belated congratulations on getting your black belt...
well done Danny..
Have a drink to celebrate smiley - bubbly

Hi there MOL

Post 29

Man of Legend

Hi Carol,

By crikey it's been a long time since you were on here! Good to see you back though!

Yeah I had a fairly decent Xmas, altho I was ill for most of it, as were most of the people I work with. I think I ate a turkey leg on xmas day and that was it, I have made up for it since though. I successfully ignored New Year, but I did have to go out and pick my parents up because they couldn't get a taxi back.

I'm looking forward to next week because I'm getting my new company car. I nearly had the MINI, but the car (a Volvo S40) I have on loan from work at the moment got scratched a couple of weeks ago, so I think that put the dampner on that, plus it would have costed me an arm and a leg to run. I'm getting, and no sniggering, a Skoda Fabia, which looks like a good car especially as it's probably going to cost me about £50 a month to run it all in. I have treated myself though with the proceeds of the sale of the Fiesta (A sad day, but it has gone to a good home), I've got a cracking stereo head unit for the new car (the Blaupunkt Woodstock DAB54, if you want to check it out) and a TFT for my PC. I'm quite enjoying the TFT, it's very nice to look at and has given me loads of room on my computer table.

I did have many drinks to celebrate my Black Belt. It's one of those things that I'd have regretted not doing all my life, as I was so close to it when I left for University.

The weather was a bit poor this week, Thursday was a nightmare for getting around, I had to go to work on the Tram. How did you get around? or did you not bother, I thought I must've been crazy to go to work, but I guess you have to show willing smiley - winkeye

I've not seen Ocean's 12, I saw the first one when it was on the telly last week. Unfortunately my appreciation of Mssrs. Pitt and Clooney only extends to there acting qualities smiley - winkeye I did go and see National Treasure with Nic Cage, which I thought was a great film. You'll have to tell me what meet the fockers is like, I've heard it's supposed to be a good laugh.

I've not been to any concerts lately, but I have booked to see my boyhood hero's who have re-formed for 1 week, Terrorvision. I can't wait, there easily one of the best live bands I've seen.

Anyway, enjoy you week off.

Speak soon


Hi there MOL

Post 30


Hi there, well again am sorry for delay in reply. Hows you doing?
Am ok myself still plodding on with things. Have been busy at work with extra job, am now running a training course which is taking up some time.

Sorry to hear you were not well over christmas, hows the car?
Are you going to Cardiff on 29th? Have been following the football since the owls got through to the play offs. I should think that Gary(biriyani) will be going or at least keeping an close eye on the match. I can remember when they went out of the premiership, that was ages ago.

Well the weather seems to be picking up, mind you it is May. I dont know where this year has gone. Its flown by. It's my birthday next month smiley - biggrin am going to be 26. i'll be old...smiley - sadface

Have booked the week off work and i'll be having a relaxing week. Am doing plenty of reading which helps me to relax. Have just finished Robbie Williams, Feel. It was a good read. I have still got loads of books to read..... but i'll get there in the end. I have just got to stop buying them....

So what have you been upto? Anything interesting?
Hows work? Your family?

Anyway I hope all is well.
Hope to hear from you soon.

Hi there MOL

Post 31

Man of Legend


I can't beieve it's been nearly 4 months since I posted here! I can't remember when your birthday is in June, but Happy Birthday for then, and save some cake for me!

I thought you were busy before, but now you sound flat out. I seem to have been caught up in something similar, out of the past five weeks I spent 7 days in the office, it's been a bit mad. Still i'm now very aquainted with the car. I've had loads of new albums in there, I can heartly reccommend Athlete, Kaiser Chiefs, Green Day, Coldplay, Damian Rice, Stereophonics, The Killers and Razorlight. I've also got an EP of my mates band in there, they're called Action Hank and they play 'Swingcore', which is like SKA punk, I'm addicted. They are based in Guildford so it's going to be a fair old trip to go and watch them.

I was in Derby when Wednesday were at Cardiff, I was a one man crowd in the pub I was in. It was a great game to watch, tons of drama and the right outcome at the end. I was down in Derby to have a little reunion with some people I lived with during Uni, that was a really good weekend.

Hope you had a good week off, I feel like I need one. Me and a mate were going to prague for a week, but on the night before we were going to fly out he came down with a virus, and couldn't fly. So we stayed at home and had to claim on the insurance and stuff, bit of a nightmare, and very disappointed, but it couldn't be helped.

Anyway, I'm going to get on now, Speak soon


Hi there MOL

Post 32


Hi Danny, how are you.
Long time no speak again.

Well things are pretty much the same for me, am still trying to catch up on my reading. Just finished reading the new Harry Potter book. Which I throughly enjoyed. Am looking forward to the new film being relased in November.
Not sure what to read next but i`ll have to make a start sooner or later.
Went to see Mr & Mrs Smith a while ago at the pictures. In fact it was on my birthday. Gosh not been to flicks for ages now. Wanted to go n see Weddindg Crashers. Think it`s still on?.

Had a few days off last week to try n have a rest,

So what have you been upto? Hows work?
My work is fine, still plodding on nicely, can`t complain.

Football season has started again, there is a match on tonight at SWFC. I can hear the helicopter circling as I type. Plus all the roads up here are full with supporters cars. Bet it gets like that where you are?
How is the Karate going?

According to the weather forecast its going to be a really hot day on friday.. will wait and see... hope its not too hot.
Have you been on holiday, did you manage to get to Prague after your Mates illness,

I hope all is well
take care
Catch you later

Hi there MOL

Post 33

Man of Legend


Good to hear from you again, I know what you mean about being very busy all the time. Work is currently in the process of going crackers and they want me to work extra hours and stuff, but I'm doing quite a good job of shying away from that!

As far as reading goes, I've just been going through the Discworld series still, I think I've read about 24 of 27 of them at the moment. I've been at them for nearly 2 years now! I've also got one of Jeremy Clarkson's book's. He entertains me immensly, he tends to spend a lot of time in angry bewilderment at the world around him.

I've been to the cinema a couple of time recently, I was most impressed with Batman Begins. It was fantastic, Cristian Bale is definately the best big screen Batman I've seen. And of course I've been to seen Hitch Hikers. Also absolutley brilliant, the part that Marvin makes his apperance is classic, I haven't laughed like that for ages. Although I think the humour is directed at the fans of Hitch Hickers rather than a general audience, I spoke to people who haven't read the books etc. and just didn't get it. My parents have seen Wedding Crasher's, they quite liked it, but I wouldn't know if it was still on, you could check UGC's website though. I'd give you the URL but I'm never sure how the auditor's on this site take to externally referenced website's, anyway it's fairly easy to find.

I with you on the days off, i'm franticly trying to use some holiday before I loose it at the end of the year, so far I've had about 5 days out of 30 off, but I've got 2 weeks at the end of September off and I'll probably save the others for xmas and next year. I haven't managed to get any where since the prague thing, but the family is talking of going to the States again next year, so I'll have to save up for that (especially the gambling money for Vagas!).

Generally I like the football season, it gives me something to talk to my Dad about! (hehe, only joking). There are the odd things I don't like though, like the traffic. It blocks up the roads where I train (just off Middlewood Road), which is not too bad for me because I walk, but we end up with a low turn out because people don't want the hassle of parking etc.

Karate's still going good, I'm starting to teach every so often now, due to people not being there for holidays and so on. In fact I teaching on Wednesday, so i've got to try to come up with something to teach for an hour and a half!

I'm currently dreading going to bed tonight, I spent the afternoon on a roof in Rotherham commissioning a job and 'caught the sun' a bit. My neck's so red it should be playing a banjo!

Anyway, time's marching on, so i'm going to have to call it a night, speak soon,


Hi there MOL

Post 34


Good evening stranger,
How are you? I trust all is well with you and your family.
Been a while since I replied to you, been meaning to reply for a while. Oh well never mind better late than never.
Hows your job going? Are you still speeding round Sheffield in the mini?
All ok at work for me. All ready for xmas now, I like been organised.
Went to Meadowhell on monday to do a bit more xmas shopping, was very surprised to get a parking space straight away and then find everybody looking for spaces when I left. That was around 12.30. Thought it would be busier in the evenings/weekends.
Not been reading much of late but am in the middle of a Reginald Hill book. Have you finished reading "discworld" series?
I am trying to resist buying more books because I have so many at home to read.
Was planning to go to the cinema to see the new Harry Potter film but was not feeling well. Might try this weekend.
Am having a few days holiday to prepare for xmas .Still got some holiday left but will have to carry that over til next year.
How is the karate going? Hope its going well. Someone I know is doing some sort of martial arts thing and they had some nasty bruises. "ouch".
Are you getting ready for xmas. I notice that people are starting to get their decorations up now. There is a house on the next road that has got a life size Santa lit up. Suppose it get us all in the xmas spirit.
Was glad to find out that the derby between SUFC and SWFC was held at United`s ground. I can imagine the Traffic would have been very busy. Did you go to the match?

If I dont hear from you etc I hope you have a great xmas and all the best for 2006


Hi there MOL

Post 35

Man of Legend

Hi Carol,

And Merry Christmas to you and your family, hope you all have a good one! I'll wish you a happy new year out of politeness, but as you can probably tell from my home page, i'm not really a fan of it smiley - winkeye

Anyway, it's good to hear from you again, I thought you'd forgotton about me, hehe!

Family's all good, just gearing up for my sister's wedding next year, and then the Honeymoon, which my parents and me have been invited on. I know it's a bit unusal to say the least but we're off to Vagas, Hawaii and LA for 2 weeks! I couldn't miss that. I've told them not to bother with a hotel room for me in hawaii, just to get me a hammock under the stars!

The job is driving me mad, I had some time off in September, came back at the begining of October to a complete mess, to put it politely. So I've had a word with my boss and hopefully I might make take a little diversion with my role at the company. I never got to drive the Mini, I'm in a skoda fabia instead. Very nice car, cheap as chips to run!

I've managed to finish all my xmas shopping, did a bit at Meadowhall (uncannily enough on the same day you were there, but I started about 5pm-ish) and the rest on-line. I love the internet!

I am mostly up to date with the discworld, I just have the latest to read. it's a bit of a nightmare getting to borrow it though as my mate has stopped going out on a saturday and that's when I used to borrow his books from him. So instead of going out for a drink I've had to stay in and watch x-factor, which I haven't minded, but I'd rather be having a pint! Did you get to see Harry Potter in the end? I hope you enjoyed it. I might try and get to see king kong over the holiday, it's been given loads of good write-up's and I think Peter Jackson's a genuis.

Karate is going well, we have just about finished the extention to my sensei's (teacher) private dojo (training hall). It is absolutely awesome, it's got a solid oak floor and air conditioning (supplied by me!). I trained in it for the first time on friday and was blown away! Unfortunately your friend is going to have to get used to the bruises (if they haven't already), I copped a right lump on my shin the other week, not to mention the black eyes I had when I got hit in the nose, my eyes watered then I can tell you!

The fact that there was no traffic was probably the only highlight of the day from an Owls perspective! I'm hoping that we improve in the new year, I think Mr Sturrock's only Christmas wish is a decent striker!

Anyway hope you have a good Christmas and New Year if I don't speak to you before.


Hi there MOL

Post 36


Hi I am sorry I have not replied to thie thred for a very long time. Not on here as much now due to not having alot of time.
Was just sorting out my page unsubscribing to threads that have been around for too long and not posted on and I came across this one.
Anyway I hope you and your family are well. If your still using this site maybe you could reply if you want to.

Take care

Hi there MOL

Post 37

Man of Legend

Hi Carol,

It's good to hear from you again, as you can see I do check back on here from time to time, and I always have time for a bit of catching up.

I just read my last post before I sent this and it reminded me especially of the job. I ended up leaving that firm because of the mess the jobs were in and the fact the two directors hated each other and just about ripped it to shreads. I now work as a process control engineer for a firm in Dinnington. It's much better, the pace of life is a lot less hectic and they are a really proffessional outfit. As part of the job, I occationally work on Oil Rigs, which is a very different location to work. You have to get there by helicopter so you feel like James Bond going to work!

I'm still at the karate and have just produced a website for us, if you want to take a look it's It's my first attempt at a website, so it's pretty simple, but i think it does the job really well.

I also have a presence on MySpace, which you can find by clicking on the link's in the website.

So, as always I hope you keep well, and if you want to send an e-mail rather than use this site (if you want to keep in touch and it's easier) you can find it also on the karate website as 'E-mail Danny'.

Speak soon,


Hi there MOL

Post 38


Hi Danny, thanks for your reply, will look at your website when i get chance.
Now hooked up to the web at home so should log on more. Will email you when I can and we can chat that way.

Take care

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